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David Lasley Chat - 21 September 2002
DAVID - logged on. - 9/21 at 3:00pm PT
DAVID - Hi Joel!
Joel - And here's the man of the hour.
Joel - Hi, David. Thanks for joining us.
DAVID - I just realized that the last time I was here was almost two years ago!
DAVID - Glad to be here
Joel - That long? We'll have to do better than that next time.
DAVID - Yep.
Joel - I know you've done quite a lot musically in the meantime.
DAVID - Yep.
DAVID - lol
Joel - Let's start with the JT side of things. Could you tell us about your work on October Road?
DAVID - Yes, that was a really fun project.
Joel - And be sure to give us your opinion of the album in general.
DAVID - We did the background vocals with James last February here in L.A.
Joel - How long did your part of it take?
DAVID - I love the album. And I really love the cover!
DAVID - My favorite songs on it are My Traveling Star and Mean Old Man.
Joel - I like it, too, though there have been some dissenting opinions.
DAVID - In many ways, it's such a departure from what James has done before.
Joel - Regarding the cover, that is.
DAVID - That's interesting, Joel.
Joel - My Travelling Star is mentioned quite often in people's favorite lists.
DAVID - Really, hmmm. I love it, I think it's so pretty.
Joel - Along with September Grass, too.
DAVID - We worked with James for two full days.
Joel - Who was with you in those sessions?
DAVID - The first day, we sang the songs we'd already learned during the tour, 4th of July, Whenever You're Ready and Raised Up Family.
DAVID - And the second day, we learned the new ones, September Grass included
DAVID - And then I got to sing with James on the song "October Road" very late at night, at the very end of the two-day session
Joel - What was that like?
DAVID - It was different from a lot of the past recording sessions I've done with James in the past, vocally that is. We sang on a lot of different notes than we often do.
DAVID - It was great and it was challenging and it was exhausting.
Joel - Did that keep you on your toes? Having to mix things up a bit?
DAVID - James' vocals were already recorded, I was singing my harmonies to the recorded track.
DAVID - But he directed what I was singing, he knew what he wanted in the way of a special sound for that song.
DAVID ("October Road," the song, that is.)
Joel - He added lots of additional voices and musicians on the album. Did you work with any of them?
DAVID - Yeah, it was great, mixing things up, trying new things.
DAVID - No, we didn't.
DAVID - I have worked with James on so many albums in the past, but I think this was one of my favorite sessions.
Joel - For those listening in, be sure to visit David's site by clicking on his name or his photo above. It will open in a second window.
DAVID - Thanks, Joel, and I hope people will read my latest "Tales From Home," which goes in to great detail about the OCTOBER ROAD recording sessions.
DAVID - Two of my other favorites were "Dad Loves His Work" and "New Moon Shine"
Joel - Did October Road feel like them at all?
Joel - The whole album, that is.
DAVID - On OCTOBER ROAD, we stacked the harmonies very thickly (meaning there were a lot of tracks of our voices), but on DAD LOVES HIS WORK, we pretty much didn't double and you can hear our voices more disctinctly (Arnold's and mine).
DAVID - I like that sound, actually.
Joel - Remind us which other background vocalists joined you on the album.
DAVID - On NEW MOON SHINE, I love the sound of our voices, like on "Oh Brother" and "Shed A Little Light."
DAVID - Just to answer your earlier question, when Arnold, Kate and I sang on OCTOBER ROAD, we didn't work with the musicians on the album, because we were singing to recorded tracks, but...
DAVID - I have worked in the past with Steve Gadd, although not when we were both working for JT.
DAVID - I worked with Steve when we both worked with Ringo Starr and Steve's group Stuff.
DAVID - And I've also worked with Michael Brecker and the Brecker Brothers.
DAVID - In fact, the Brecker Brothers included Don Grolnick!
Joel - Lots of JT connections, then. Like an extended family.
Joel - You mentioned Arnold McCuller and Kate Markowitz. Do you know why Valerie Carter wasn't involved with October Road?
DAVID - You could say that, yes!! Hopefully not a "F*****-Up" family. RAISED UP family???????? LOL
Joel - Some have asked in the Forum since she's been involved in all JT's recent albums.
DAVID - Joel, I don't know.
DAVID - I love Val's work so much, and I heard she's working on something new. I can't wait to hear it.
DAVID - It's funny, because every time I go into a place like SavOn or some other store...
DAVID - I ALWAYS hear her songs on the Muzak
Joel - Speaking of solo efforts, tell us what you've been up to sans JT.
DAVID - Like "Da Doo Rendesvouz" and "Ooh Ooh Child"
DAVID - Well, my web site had been keeping me really busy.
Joel - And do you call her right up and tell her she just made another tenth of a cent royalty?
DAVID - It's been really fun doing the "Tales" series.
DAVID - The "Tales from the JT Tour" from last summer got a really good response, and my new "Tales From Home" has too
DAVID - Joel, that's funny (re royalties)
Joel - I know people enjoy seeing that side of a musician's life since they generally only see the part on stage.
DAVID - We've heard from people all over the world (re web site Tales), including some friends in Australia and Belgium that I hadn't been in touch with for years
DAVID - Plus, we just had some orders for some of my CDs from Spain, Sweden and Germany a week or so ago!
DAVID - We actually get a lot of orders from England, but never before from Spain or Sweden!
Joel - It must be tough to crack international markets without a big budget otherwise.
DAVID - I also love getting the "Ask David" questions from that part of our site
DAVID - That's true, Joel, the web site has been great for that!
Joel - We'll give you a chance to do some live and in-person Ask David in a few minutes.
Joel - So what's next for you? More solo albums in the pipe?
DAVID - People ask the most interesting questions, not just about my work with James Taylor, but about my work as a solo artist and with all the different people I've worked with.
DAVID - Someone recently brought up my work with a group called Mascara, which was me, Luther Vandross and Ula Hedwig.
DAVID - And in the context of answering the question, we discovered a sound file somewhere on the internet with that song! There's a link to it on our "Ask David" page.
Joel - Some folks are probably clicking right now.
DAVID - Also, people seem to be still really interested in my last two CDs, BACK TO BLUE-EYED SOUL and EXPECTATIONS OF LOVE. I've been lucky because there's been a lot of publicity about them.
DAVID - In fact, the October issue of Discoveries magazine has a big story about me, and I am really excited about that.
DAVID - As far as what's next, I'm still doing songwriting....
DAVID - And I have a concept for an album of songs from film and theatre... a sort of "Broadway" album.
Joel - Any idea when it will be finished?
DAVID - I've already shot some cover photos for it, but it's kind of on the back burner... life gets in the way, you know?
DAVID - I'm still thinking about doing the "David Lasley Sings Laura Nyro" album, but that is really on the back burner.
Joel - Do you expect to do any more work with JT soon?
DAVID - I don't know yet.
DAVID - But I do know that I'm taking a little vacation in the next week or so.. probably to Sedona or Colorado to visit some friends!!
Joel - That sounds fun.
Joel - How would you feel about taking some questions from your adoring public now?
DAVID - Joel, that's funny. Well, Okaaaaaaaaaayyyyyy. I think I can handle that. (LOL)
Joel - Great. I'll open things up in just a minute. In the meantime, thanks so much for taking the time to talk with us.
Joel - And we won't wait two years next time.
DAVID - Joel, thanks for having me!
Joel - Okay, folks. Just click "Reload" or "Refresh" in your browser to log in.
ZoWWie - logged on. - 9/21 at 3:28pm PT
Joel - The door's now open.
Ggirl - logged on. - 9/21 at 3:28pm PT
ceaton - logged on. - 9/21 at 3:28pm PT
newsdeuce - logged on. - 9/21 at 3:28pm PT
Loxley - logged on - [Member]
- 9/21 at 3:28pm PT
sam from paris - logged on. - 9/21 at 3:28pm PT
Gunky&Tasha - logged on. - 9/21 at 3:28pm PT
DAVID - Hi Zowie, hi Ggirl, hi ceaton!
Ggirl - Welcome David, so glad you're here.
STEAM - logged on. - 9/21 at 3:29pm PT
whistlingman - logged on. - 9/21 at 3:29pm PT
ceaton - hello all. HI DAVID!
Joel - A reminder that it's best if you try to space your questions a bit, folks. He'll get to more questions that way.
DAVID - Hi everyone!
newsdeuce - Pleasure to meet you, even this way!
Loxley - Greetings from the UK. Loved all your "Tales" - do you intend to keep writing them regularly?
Gunky&Tasha - Do you know if'n you'll be on this college tour?
Ggirl - David, will you be on the college tour in December?
sam from paris - hello davis; A big Kiss from your french fans ( there 's a lot of vocalist and singers who adore you
Mannheim Kid - logged on. - 9/21 at 3:29pm PT
sky - logged on. - 9/21 at 3:29pm PT
CAITLIN - logged on. - 9/21 at 3:30pm PT
whistlingman - Hi David. What is your first vivid memory of working w/ JT (live or studio)?
Mannheim Kid - Hello, David. It is such an honor to meet you.
goobi - logged on - [Member]
- 9/21 at 3:30pm PT
I Mick - logged on. - 9/21 at 3:30pm PT
DAVID - Thank you, Loxley. I really enjoy doing them, and I'm so glad to know you all like them. YES, I will be doing them regularly. I'll probably do another one this fall.
sam from paris - I got all your records ( in vinyls!!) even the two Rosie Albums and the Demos. I know you since 82 ( i Was 17 !)
DAVID - Whistling Man, I first worked with JT in 1977 when he and I and Arnold worked as background vocalist on a Garland Jeffries called "Ghost Writer"
sam from paris - nd Was contemporay for the release of raindance!! a big shock ( what a soud)
goobi - only one question from me....when you all touring downunder??
DAVID - The first studio album of JT's that I did with him was "Flag," and Arnold and I sang backgrounds on "Rainy Day man."
whistlingman - Great album! Thanks for the answer!
Loxley - David, would you come to the UK and tour with JT, or solo?
Steve - logged on. - 9/21 at 3:31pm PT
Mannheim Kid - I sure enjoyed hearing abt your thoughts on "October Road," David. I really think that the songs are pretty too.
sam from paris - a question: how make you to choose so beautiful vover ( Missin twenty grand , raindance and Rosie's ... WOWWW!!!)
DAVID - Loxley, if I had the chance to work with JT in Europe, I would probably actually get on an airplane, which I haven't done in many, many years!!
sam from paris - cover ( excuse me)
whistlingman - Logging out to read. LOL
DAVID - JT doesn't often take singers to Europe.
whistlingman - logged off. - 9/21 at 3:32pm PT
Ggirl - David, really enjoyed reading your Tales....
I Mick - Hi David..Just wondered when JT needs ya,does he just bell you or is it all done thru agents?
Scott Adams - logged on. - 9/21 at 3:33pm PT
Loxley - lol @ David........you all need to work hard on him then. We'd love to see you here in Europe.
ceaton - david, you are absolutely the most "working" vocalist out tere. you (and arnold) are on most if not all the big albums of our lives. i myself dont feel "right" when i don't hear you guys on there. you've worked with EVERYONE. out of all the artists you've worked with, who is your most favorite to work with
STEAM - Hey David!!! It was a pleasure to meet you and the whole JT crew the week of the New Year's Raleigh concert. Have a great holiday in Sedona and thank you for shring your talent.
DAVID - Sam from Paris, thanks for your comments about RAINDANCE. It was great working with Don Was.
goobi - logged off. - 9/21 at 3:34pm PT
sam from paris - and the musicians on your own album are always ( always ) first class musicians. Really impressive.
Scott Adams - So David, was hat you I saw across the street from AstroBurger on Samta Monica a few weeks back? It sure looked like you!
Gemini - logged on. - 9/21 at 3:34pm PT
Steve - Do you find long tours interfere too much with your solo work?
sky - logged on. - 9/21 at 3:34pm PT
DAVID - ceaton, JAMES is my most favorite person to work with. And I'd add Rita Cooidge and Bonnie Raitt
wusel - logged on - [Member]
- 9/21 at 3:34pm PT
DAVID - Probably, Scott!!
sam from paris - And made me dance everytime I hear you. I think that Dad loves his work was the JT's album the most closer to your own style (Blue eyed soul) Is it right?
ceaton - rita is certainly a surprise, what a stylistic singer SHE Is
Gunky&Tasha - David did you get to listen to the David Wilcox cd's I sent you?
Scott Adams - Next time I'll say hello! Mmm... Bonnie has such energy
Ggirl - Just hear Blue eyed soul for the first time, I really enjoyed it.
DAVID - Steve, they don't really because there's always time between tours.
CAITLIN - cheers, m'dear and thanks
DAVID - Yes, sam, you could definitely call my work "blue-eyed soul" -- that's my my retrospective CD is called BACK TO BLUE EYED SOUL
sam from paris - What do you think about Chaka Khan ( I dreamed of a duet between you and her)
Scott Adams - So what's in your CD player at home, David?
DAVID - thank you, Ggirl!!
Mannheim Kid - I also thought you were really good on "Sun On The Moon," David. Did you think that was fun?
DAVID - Sam, Chaka recording my "Roll Me Through the Rushes" and "This Time" songs, and I sang background on "Roll Me." I love her work!
ashtray heart - logged on. - 9/21 at 3:37pm PT
MudSlideSlim - logged on. - 9/21 at 3:37pm PT
whistlingman - logged on. - 9/21 at 3:38pm PT
DAVID - Scott, right now I'm listening to "I Am Shelby Lynne," and I also love Norah Jones
wusel - hello David, it's nice to meet you greetings from Germany!.... we missed you over here... last time, in 1999, JT travelled with Arnold.... this time it would have been nice if it had been you.... anyway... we love your music and voice over here,..... and you and Arnie sound SOOO good... greetings and good luck for the future.... thank you, David
DAVID - I also have been listening to stuff by Jesse Harris, from Once Blue
Loxley - You said in the latest "Tales" you were very nervous about the work to come on "October Road"........do you always feel that way beforehand. Or just with JT?
Gemini - Hi David ...I've been reading your 'Tales' they are really great...what are your favourite songs of JT's that you love to sing?
DAVID - He wrote the Norah Jones song, "I Don't Know Why"
sam from paris - Another question;: why James never make some duet with one of his vocalist ( Lookin for love you sang beautifully on you Missin.. album, or Her twon too ( you surely can assure the JD Souther's part!!)
Mannheim Kid - I like Norah Jones too, David. I like her song, "Don't Know Why."
sam from paris - on stage or on record
azuresky - logged on. - 9/21 at 3:39pm PT
whistlingman - Hi again....lol......thought of one more. When the late great Don Grolnick would hit that *ping* on the piano and the band would explode on "Steamroller Blues", would you all jump? I do!
Gunky&Tasha - David, do you know if'n you will be on the upcoming college tour?
ashtray heart - do you relish the opportunity to participate in a fans' chatroom over, say, a radio interview?
DAVID - Mannheim Kid, yeah, "Sun on the Moon" is always a hoot, especially when James comes over and tries to make us laugh.
ceaton - david, you've worked with the great American songwriter, Stephen Bishop. what was that like? do you foresee working with him again in the future
DAVID - thank you, Wusel!
DAVID - Loxley, I tend to feel more nervous when I'm working with JT because his records are so special.
Mannheim Kid - That makes me smile every time, David.
DAVID - Gemini, my favorite JT songs that I love to sing with him are "Walking Man," "Never Die Young" and "Long Ago and Far Away." Among many others. (I'll think of them soon!!)
sam from paris - Some combination (duet or trio will be a real treat for the audience) your the top singers of the world
I Mick - do you have a most treasured moment spent with JT?
Matt - logged on. - 9/21 at 3:41pm PT
MudSlideSlim - David, what is it like touring with James?
DAVID - Ceaton, I worked with Steven Bishop on his "Red Cab." I haven't worked with him since, though.
ZoWWie - logged off.
whistlingman - Your harmonies are steller, David. Thanks again. :o)
STEAM - You're a nice guy David and very talented. Enough said. How many guys in showbiz would that be said about?
DAVID - Sam, I would LOVE it if we could sing "Her Town Too" with James.
ZoWWie - Are you a cool dude or WHAT?
Gunky&Tasha - You give me Love,Love,Love,Love,Crazy Love...
Steve - Your harmonies on the song October Road are so tight.....it really made that song I think..
wusel - Gute Nacht.... noch viel Spass.... bye David, Joel, (((((((((room))))))))) thanks and take care y'all
Mannheim Kid - My very first favorite song of JT's is and has always been "Never Die Young," David. That sort of "sang to me."
DAVID - Thank you, Steam!
sam from paris - What about Rosie or The "Rosie" Formula? ( and again what a covers!!!)
Scott Adams - I must say that seeing you and Arnold there makes me happy.... seems strange everytime I have seen James without you guys
ceaton - yes! treasured moment! GOODquestion, mick!
whistlingman - logged off. - 9/21 at 3:43pm PT
ceaton - i agree scott
azuresky - logged off. - 9/21 at 3:43pm PT
sky - logged on. - 9/21 at 3:43pm PT
DAVID - ashtray heart (love your name, ha ha), the answer to your question is yes, I love doing these chats, and I have done a lot of radio interviews, I enjoy them. I did a few when I was on the road last year, one in Michigan, and one here in So. Cal.
Matt - Hi David. I've always wondered what it has been like for people like yourself who've worked with someone like JT for so long. Has JT changed as much as his music seems to reflect over the years--from a more troubled and searching soul, to one at peace and tryiing to finally "settle down"?
STEAM - You're very welcome David. Thank you for sharing your talent and time.
wusel - logged off. - 9/21 at 3:44pm PT
sky - have you heard of the 'american idol' hype this summer? what does a professional musician think of that sort of 'musical manufacture'?
DAVID - Mick, one of my most treasured moments with JT was when we all spent Thanksgiving together during one tour some years ago. Another, and this might even be the top one, is when he sang background for me on "Got To Find Love" on my MISSIN' TWENTY GRAND album.
sam from paris - i imagine you with just a piano ( great pianist like Grolnick or David Benoit) with some torch songs. Your "On the third street" cut deep in the heart and soul
DAVID - Everyone, if I miss a question, please ask it again, it's hard to keep up!!
MudSlideSlim - David, what is it like touring with James?
Mannheim Kid - Sure, David. I'll remember that.
whistlingman - logged on. - 9/21 at 3:46pm PT
Gunky&Tasha - Do you know if'n you will be on this college tour?
DAVID - Sam from Paris, believe it or not, Genya Raven and I JUST had a discussion about doing another Rosie album with my fellow Rosie members Lynn Pitney and Lana Marrano
whistlingman - It's okay, David. You're a busy guy who just got busier. lol
whistlingman - logged off. - 9/21 at 3:46pm PT
Are - logged on. - 9/21 at 3:46pm PT
DAVID - Matt, it's nice to see James very happy.
ali - logged on - [Member]
- 9/21 at 3:47pm PT
I Mick - Thank you David....
Are you ever coming to AUSTRALIA? o(
Matt - Are you and the other backup regulars going to be joining JT on his upcoming college campus dates? (hope so, since I'll be attending)
handyman - logged on. - 9/21 at 3:47pm PT
sam from paris - IF james read this one day, I want him to know that the audience agree to have one hour plus with you and the other ( Valerie) for the first part with your own repertoire.
DAVID - yes, I was a big American Idol watcher, although I think the kids in "Pop Stars" were better singers
Kata - logged on. - 9/21 at 3:47pm PT
Mannheim Kid - David, I spend Thanksgiving over at my Gardma's house in Kentucky. It's a lot of fun doing that, and plus, we also have eraly Christmas with them.
Scott Adams - That Kelly can belt it out though man.. impressive!
monna - logged on. - 9/21 at 3:47pm PT
sam from paris - you bring me joy, man.
ali - David, my favourite JT video is 'Squibknocket' I am sure many of us dream of standing there with you guys on backing, was it as laid back and fun as it appears on screen?
DAVID - As far as it being "Musical Manufacturer," there's all kinds of ways to discover talent, and I think it at least offers kids some hope for being discovered. It's better than some of the stuff you see on MTV.
Kata - actually, just heard thunder...guess I should shut down computer. :o) hi and bye (((everyone))) Thanks David!
Mannheim Kid - Oops, that's early. I have got to watch my fingers more carefully.
London - logged on. - 9/21 at 3:48pm PT
gLeNn - logged on. - 9/21 at 3:49pm PT
monna - please, tell James Taylor that peruvian people love him and that we hope he can make a concert here someday, in the near future (sorry for my English)
sam from paris - Didn't that miss you to dance on stage ( your cover and your feeling prove you really like dancing, isn't it?
Kata - logged off. - 9/21 at 3:49pm PT
DAVID - Sam, that's very nice, thanks!!
wusel - logged on - [Member]
- 9/21 at 3:49pm PT
gLeNn - gday (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((roomies))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
Vicki - logged on. - 9/21 at 3:49pm PT
sky - so we can expect to see you judging alongside simon cowell for AI #2? :)
monna - logged off. - 9/21 at 3:49pm PT
Are - hey Glenn...you ask for me....LOL...(do they remember where australia is?)
gLeNn - hope everyone is well and in good spirits
ceaton - how were you discovered, david? who helped you in your early career the most? do you have a "mentor" per se?
Steve - David, next time you're speaking to JT. can you ask him to post a message on the Forum for us?
Mannheim Kid - I play clarinet, soprano saxophone, I do vocals, and I play the piano, David.
Loxley - Did you start out as a backing vocalist, David?
Gunky&Tasha - David, will you be on the college tour?...;-[)
DAVID - Ali, doing Squibnocket with as laid back as you could possibly be with 5 cameras in your face, cables everywhere, and bees stinging Kate, plus standing in front of an open barn door three stories up, so that if you stepped back you'd fall out and be dead.
wusel - back again.... this is becoming a global chat more and more... welcome Australia and South America, gLeNn.... monna
gLeNn - gday ceaton , thanks for the kind words in the forum mate!
Gunky&Tasha - David, will you be on the college tour?...;-[)
DAVID - sorry, meant to say Squibnocket WAS (not with)
gLeNn - gday gunky and tasha how are you doing
STEAM - David...How is Valerie Carter doing?
Are - lol@Gunky!!
Gunky&Tasha - LOL at Squibnocket!
DAVID - Monna, I will tell him about Peru!
Gunky&Tasha - David, will you be on the college tour?...;-[)
Gunky&Tasha - David, will you be on the college tour?...;-[)
Gunky&Tasha - David, will you be on the college tour?...;-[)
Vicki - David, will you, Valerie, Arnold and Kate all be touring with JT this fall?
Gunky&Tasha - David, will you be on the college tour?...;-[)
Gunky&Tasha - David, will you be on the college tour?...;-[)
ceaton - your most welcome, glenn. everybody, Glenn Brace is Australia's best kept musical secret right now :o)
Gunky&Tasha - David, will you be on the college tour?...;-[)
sam from paris - Some suggestion: a great voice revue: with you, chake, jennifer holiday, Arnold , Daryl hall, Phoebe...
Are - hahaha....and are you coming to australia?
DAVID - sky, yeah, look for me beside Paula and Simon, hee hee. She's forever my girl, ha ha.
gLeNn - shhhhhhhhh
sam from paris - the title: "breaking the house down"
DAVID - Sam, that's an awesome combination, quite a lineup!!
sky - love it... :)
Gemini - David ...I'd love to go shopping with you ...sounds like you know all the best shops!
ZoWWie - probably blow out the sound system
monna - logged on. - 9/21 at 3:52pm PT
DAVID - Gemini, you pay, I'll shop! ;)
monna - GRACIAS David!!!!!
juliet - logged on. - 9/21 at 3:53pm PT
monna - logged off. - 9/21 at 3:53pm PT
Gemini - okay David!
Vicki - About the fall tour? Will you be backing?
graeme - logged on. - 9/21 at 3:53pm PT
DAVID - Sorry, everyone, I have missed a few questions....
Gunky&Tasha - David, will you be on the college tour?...;-[)
MudSlideSlim - What's your favorite food?
Mannheim Kid - I love to go to craft stores during the holidays since they have such interesting decorations. What abt you, David?
juliet - hi David and ((((((all)))))!!
DAVID - About the college tour, I don't know.
Marcus - logged on. - 9/21 at 3:54pm PT
Are there any plans to tour australia?
ceaton - i had a question about who was it that heped you in your early career. how were you discovered? do u have a mentor per se?
DAVID - My favorite food is steak, popcorn, cheetos and starlight mints.
Gunky&Tasha - Thank You!
graeme - David, you'll be the man to ask...what is Lee Sklar up to these days, any prospect of joining JT again ?
DAVID - And I consider starlight mints a food group unto itself. I'm a really healthy eater. ')
Loxley - )))
Marcus - Cheetos? You must be kewl then
MudSlideSlim )
Are - lol@gunky!!..
sam from paris - your soldiers on the Moon" is particularly effective in the particular time.
Gunky&Tasha - All those foods in the same meal?
Mannheim Kid - That sounds yummy. I love spagetti.
CAITLIN - what is starlight mints
DAVID - ceaton, that's a good question. If you read the liner notes on my BACK TO BLUE EYED SOUL (which are on my web site), there's some information in there.
Marcus - Forget healthy, I'm an M.D. and I still love Cheetos...LOL
Are - well Im off too church!..Sunday downunder ya know :o)
Are - logged off. - 9/21 at 3:55pm PT
DAVID - Caitlin, you need some serious food education
ceaton - i sure will, david. THANKS
MudSlideSlim - haha
I Mick - David....do you know if JT has ever visited JT online?
gLeNn - ook forward to hearing from you
Mannheim Kid - What kind of stores do you like to go to during the holidays, David?
MudSlideSlim - logged off. - 9/21 at 3:56pm PT
CAITLIN - do they contain calories
I Mick - even just peeked in???
DAVID - Ceaton, a lot of the people in Detroit helped me. Check out some of the articles on the "REVIEWS" page on my web site, there's also some information there. Also the liner notes to EXPECTATIONS OF LOVE
Vicki - David...I will keep my fingers crossed for the college tour. I've seen JT 7 times and can't imagine his show without all of you backing him:-(
Scott Adams - Any goo
Loxley - lol @ Mick
DAVID - I don't know if James has ever visited this site, Mick.
Scott Adams - (worry)
gLeNn - nice to meet you david, i jhave a question .............when is the your good self , jt , and the rest of the band COMING TO AUSTRALIA????????????? its been ages when when when when ??????
Gunky&Tasha - Why kind of goo Scott?
Scott Adams - logged off. - 9/21 at 3:57pm PT
CAITLIN - starlight mints????????????
babsandmikey - logged on. - 9/21 at 3:57pm PT
sam from paris - can you make stop the gossip that if JT got no vaocalist in his last tour, it's because their some quarrel between him and you ( I think that his new album needs simply another sort a treatment) and we you be there for the next tour next year?
babsandmikey - hello!!!!!!!!!!!!
babsandmikey - hello!!!!!!!!!!!!
DAVID - Caitlin, starlight mints are those red and white peppermint candies, round, but like candy canes
I Mick - Well tell him he better David next time you see him!!! we need the Christmas message off him!!! lol
DAVID - sam, that's ridiculous
ceaton - im there now david and trying to keep up with the chat lol multitasking
Mannheim Kid - Do you like craft stores for holiday decorations, David?
CAITLIN - scotland doesn't have them send some over
flysosu - logged on. - 9/21 at 3:58pm PT
WHEN - logged on. - 9/21 at 3:59pm PT
babsandmikey - hello gunkyandtasha
DAVID - Glenn, we haven't been to Australia in many year. I myself haven't been since 1981.
WHEN areyou touring downunder?
babsandmikey - hi joel
Matt - david, one of the debates amongst us JT cronnies is whether he relies a little too much on his standards when he plays live (I am one of those who would love to hear Runaway Boy, or Baby Buffalo over Up on the Roof for example) what say you?
WHEN - ohhh..ok!
DAVID - Mannheim, it's September, ask me again in two months. ;)
WHEN - logged off. - 9/21 at 3:59pm PT
babsandmikey - ((((((((glenn))))))))))))
sam from paris - I know david, but sometime in the forum the gossip take some ridiculous proportion, and you got to cut it short!!
Gemini - David in which state in America are you now living
CAITLIN - lol@david re xmas
babsandmikey - hi gemini
Mannheim Kid - Okay, I'll do that. I always have the Holidays on my mind early.
babsandmikey - ceaton!!!!!!!!!!!
gLeNn - could you drop a hint that you'd really like to come here then to the powers that be .hehehehehehehe please?
babsandmikey - am i invisible???????????
Walker - logged on. - 9/21 at 4:00pm PT
DAVID - Matt, I loved singing some of the more rarely played songs like "A Junkie's Lament," so I would agree with you but also James feels he needs to play the hits in markets where he hasn't played in a while.
Gemini - Hi bandsandmikey
Gunky&Tasha - Hi Babs and Mikey!
DAVID - Gemini, I like in a state of panic. ;)
Bribo! - logged on. - 9/21 at 4:01pm PT
sam from paris - I like the beautiful friendship that bind you all ( music is church, said James!! How true) and i like very much you mutual respect after all this years
CAITLIN - not invisible....green
Walker - Hi David, Greetings from Firenze, Italy. We're waiting for U!
Bribo! - hello all! hello David!
Gemini - wow...great answer
babsandmikey - whew thought you couldn't see us
ceaton - hiya babs and mikey no ertainly not u are (NOT invisible)
Steve - Did you do the song October Road vocal in one take or did it take a few to get it so tight?
Vicki - Bye all!
Vicki - logged off. - 9/21 at 4:01pm PT
gLeNn - gday((((((((((((((((((((( babs and mikey))))))))))))))))))))
DAVID - Thank you Walker, I would love to come to Italy again!
babsandmikey - indiana has goen thru a rough week
DAVID - Steve, we didn't do "October Road" in one take, there were a couple at least
Mannheim Kid - David, do you have any kids?
babsandmikey - ohoh
sam from paris - tell me again about your perfect choice of covers?
CAITLIN - indiana- storms??
Walker - Knew Arnold in person a few years ago. I hope next time he will introduce me to you...
whistlingman - logged on. - 9/21 at 4:02pm PT
DAVID - I sang it in bits and pieces, in phrases, not all the way through. See my "Tales from Home" for more details (on my web site)
ali - October Road is my favourite on the new album.
DAVID - Sam, do you mean album art or song covers?
ceaton - its a perfect mix and performance. what is Russ Titelman liek to work with? i envision him as being very meticulous and structured
Matt - I can definitely imagine why JT would want to play the standards--once I heard y'all play an astounding version of "well on a hill" from SBJames (around '93 I think)--how often do you do that one?
I Mick - hiya ((ali))
babsandmikey - yes storms did a lot of damage and then there was that mom who beat her child in mishawaka
Gunky&Tasha - David, did you get to listen to the David Wilcox cd's I sent you?
whistlingman - David. Are there any songs that didn't make the final cut for "October Road"? (just curious)
DAVID - I have no kids, but lots of goats!!!!!!! ;0
ali - hey ((mick))
sam from paris - album's covers ? Is it really your own choice? (some of the best covers I know)
STEAM - any insight on the Baby Buffalo tune David? the breathing machine or repirator...is there any identity guesses on who Baby Buffalo is ( was)???
gLeNn - morning all off to save house from small boys that are bored........... come to australia david, love to hear you
CAITLIN - sorry for indiana
ZoWWie - bleat
Mannheim Kid ) Have you ever seen JT's little boys?
DAVID - Sam, is the record store Pfnac open in Paris?
babsandmikey - ty caitlin
Steve - Thanks..I'll look it up :o)
CAITLIN - lol zowwie
Loxley - When you're singing the backing vocals for JT, do you get any say in how it goes, or is he very firm about what he wants?
I Mick - we beat the virus ali
sky - you've mentioned that detroit and cleveland gave you great audience response -- are there cities that tend to 'never fail' you, that you look forward to playing every year?
DAVID - ceaton, russ was very nice to work with, a real pro
sam from paris - Now?
I Mick - good question lox
sam from paris - t's 01;03 am
babsandmikey - ali-my yahoo won't let me email out so i couldn't forward it
ceaton - lol Z. if u start callin for daisy im outa here
CAITLIN - 1203 here
DAVID - Matt, yes, I loved singing "lo and behold"
Loxley - Thanks Mick
Gemini - David ...you sang on 'Long Ago And Far Away' ...which means you've known JT for along time
Matt - (sorry forgot the original name,,,some JT fan I am!)
DAVID - Steam, no, I don't know what Baby Buffalo is about
STEAM - us neither David...but it is great!!!!!!!
CAITLIN - yeah, right!
Walker - On sept 15 JT was in Rome. I's there to hear him with about 100.000 other people. The concert was great but it was a real pity he had no backing vocalists. With Kate, Arnold, Valerie and you the cponcert would have been incredibly great!
DAVID - Gemini, I didn't sing on the recorded version of "long Ago," just live, although I have worked with James since 1977 (but not as far back as "Mud Slide Slim")
DAVID - Loxley, James defintely directs the background vocals.
babsandmikey - Hello David, I am so pleased to meet you.3
ceaton - been a long time since ive seen the chatline hit three lines. you're ALWAYS a "draw" david
DAVID - sky, I love playing pretty much anywhere in the midwest!
I Mick - so thats one thing cleared up ..no one knows what Baby Buffalo is about!!! lol
Loxley - Thanks for the reply, David. :o)
CAITLIN - yuore eating one of those int thingies now arent yu david
CAITLIN - mint
sam from paris - My brother (David) and his partner sang some of your gems: You bring me joy, Treat Willie Good, Roll me thru the rushes ( I made him discover your records bur he knew the version of "Roll".. from Chaka ( he's the biggest fan in paris!!) and "you bring me Joy" from Anita Baker.
flysosu - dAVID
DAVID - thank you, Walker!
whistlingman - I'm l
DAVID - Thank you too BabsandMikey
Mannheim Kid - Have you been with Jt's little boys, David?
Matt - David, do you have insight on how competitive JT is about his worK? (he has hinted that he can succomb from time to time to it...)
sky - i hope that minneapolis qualifies. :)
Walker - just thank you all, David
Bribo! - David,will you answer questions about bandmates who are departed.Ifyou prefer not to,thats ok
CAITLIN - they/renot good for the teeth
DAVID - sam, did you see my question to you about the record store in Paris, pnac? Is it still there?
whistlingman - I'm looking forward to Nov. 9th here in Minneapolis......8th row center for JT!!! Woo-hoo!!!!!
I Mick - ceaton...its prob cus I'm here aswell........lol
Gemini - David... if you could choose just one album of JT's ...which one would you choose?
DAVID - Oh, I meant to answer the question about Leland Sklar, I do seem him occasionally, he came to see us with JT when we preformed at the Hollywood Bowl last year.
DAVID - Caitline, yes, in fact, I am!
Gunky&Tasha - Have you seen Ula lately?
DAVID - Caitlin, thanks for your concern!! Are you a dentist???????????????
flysosu - David, have you heard anything about JT's signature series Olson?
STEAM - nite nite Taylorites!!!! thank you Joel and David for doing this session!!!!
Mannheim Kid - Daid, have you had to babysit JT's little boys?
ceaton - mick, shall i tell david about the water bottle? heh heh
DAVID - Gunky, no, but I spoke with Ula just last week.
I Mick - nite steam
Loxley - Bye STEAM
I Mick - yes ceaton tell him..........lol
whaler - logged on. - 9/21 at 4:11pm PT
sam from paris - It's a shame Raindance didn't work? The voice was tremendous and the sound REALLY great! ( the song " Oh!" and "saved by Love" wowww!!!) The Fnac still exist. that's where I bought justly Raindance in 82 ( and on Vynil!)
CAITLIN - hear hear thanks to you both
DAVID - Mannheim, I saw James' babies last summer during the tour.
I Mick - I may one day get a DL holy grail
DAVID - Cool, Sam. Now I know that I can go back there one day! It's the greatest store!
ceaton - david, mick here pinched JT's waterbottle after the Glasgow show. he's sellin sips now, 100 quid apiece
Mannheim Kid - Cool.
whaler - HI David And Everyone
Gunky&Tasha - Hope she is doing well
DAVID - Gemini, I would choose Gorilla or Mud Slide Slim
DAVID - In fact, that's a song we should do live, "Mud Slide Slim"
I Mick - 1000 actualy ceaton..lol
DAVID - ceaton, that's very funny. good work, mick. I'll remember to save you some from the next tour.
sam from paris - there's no davis Lasley section now, but you are in Virgin ( the price for the californian music section is though really high!!
Walker - sorry, i've got to go now. David it's been great to be talking with you. Remember to come to Italy as soon as it'll be possible. Bye to everybody!!
CAITLIN - so the ddrinks are on mick then
ceaton - THERE YA GO mick! ur in BUSINESSS woooot
DAVID - mannheim, no I haven't been called upon to babysit James
Gemini - David is
babsandmikey - logged off. - 9/21 at 4:13pm PT
Mannheim Kid - I think I am going to go now. I need to unload the dishwasher.
DAVID - I MEANT, I haven't been called on to babysit James' KIDS
sam from paris - But you are at home on our french Jt site. and you know that!! thank for the little message.
Mannheim Kid - Okay, thank you, David.
CAITLIN - bye kid
DAVID - but I would love to, I'm great with kids. I have 18 or so neices and nephews!
ali - logged off. - 9/21 at 4:14pm PT
I Mick - ok David..should have just about sold out of JT holy water by then............lol
Gemini - David... is Jimmy Johnson always so laid back!
Loxley - lol @ David
sam from paris - We work on a translation of your last tale ( it appears normally in one week!)
SUMMER - logged on - [Member]
- 9/21 at 4:14pm PT
I Mick - thanks ceaton you are on 10 percent..........lol
as - logged on. - 9/21 at 4:14pm PT
SUMMER - Hiya! I have twins...c'mon over DAVID and babysit
Mannheim Kid - Goodbye, everyone. Thank you, David. It was an honor to meet you.
Walker - logged off. - 9/21 at 4:16pm PT
CAITLIN - go get the dishwasher kid
Gunky&Tasha - Mannheim...two words...Paper Plates!
SUMMER - Sure is an honor to meet him...what a voice!
Steve - Night everyone...thanks very much David (and Joel)
CAITLIN - lol g& t (gin and tonic)
juliet - logged off.
Mannheim Kid - logged off. - 9/21 at 4:16pm PT
I Mick - nite steve
juliet - logged off. - 9/21 at 4:16pm PT
Gunky&Tasha - David is there a song of your's that you are the most proud of?
I Mick - nite kid
whistlingman - This has been a real blast! Thank you Joel and David. I hope that we get to see a David Lasley tour in the near future. That would be cool. Back to work for me. Bye!
Gunky&Tasha - If so, why?
Nocky - logged on. - 9/21 at 4:17pm PT
sam from paris - How is it possible without being a superstar to have such a genial voice, and such a first class musicians session in each record ( and since the Rosie album)?
I Mick - bye whistling
Matt - thanks for taking your time
Gemini - thanks David and Joel
DAVID - Gunky, I was very proud of my BACK TO BLUE EYED SOUL CD as a whole. I also like "You Bring Me Joy" a lot
Nocky - Just coming in to say hello and Thank you David
DAVID - Thank you, whistlingman.
Matt - ....(contimued) some of my questions David, bye
Steve - logged off. - 9/21 at 4:17pm PT
Matt - logged off. - 9/21 at 4:18pm PT
DAVID - Well, everyone, I have to go now.
whistlingman - logged off. - 9/21 at 4:18pm PT
DAVID - Thanks SO MUCH for being here!!! I've had a great time!!
flysosu - Thank You David, See you in Oklahoma
CAITLIN - thankds david whatch and not choke on that mint
Gunky&Tasha - Blue Eyed is Indeed Wonderful!
Joel - Thanks again, David.
Bribo! - good night David thanks for being here!
I Mick - David..............nice one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Loxley - Thanks so much David for taking the time to chat with us. Thanks to Joel too.
Joel - And thanks to everyone else for joining us, too.
Gemini - xxx
sam from paris - Pete townsed, luther Vandross, david Benoit, Boz Scaggs, Bonnie Raitt, Rita Coolidge...
ceaton - david, thank u so much for adding to the soundtracks of our lives. i know it sounds corney, but its heartfelt. keep up the good work!
DAVID - Hope you'll visit my web site and send me some "Ask David" questions if I didn't answer anything you asked here that I missed.
whaler - thanks so much David
FLMadMax - logged on. - 9/21 at 4:19pm PT
as - logged on. - 9/21 at 4:19pm PT
sam from paris - Thanks David to be on the earth in the same time as me
desperate dan - logged on. - 9/21 at 4:19pm PT
I Mick - hey Joel ............keep up the good work !!!!!!!!!!!!
DAVID - Caitlin, I will be VERY careful.
ceaton - thanks for having him joel
DAVID - Bye everyone!
CAITLIN - good byeeeeeeeee take care
DAVID - logged off. - 9/21 at 4:19pm PT