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David Lasley Chat - 28 November 2000
Joel - logged on - [Webmaster]
- 11/28 at 5:47pm PT
Joel - We'll start tonight's chat with David Lasley in just a few minutes.
Joel - We'll be talking to David about his new release -- "Back To Blue-Eyed Soul" -- among other things.
Joel - If you visit his site you'll be able to hear samples from that CD as well as his other albums. You can also order it directly from David via his site.
Joel - Be sure to visit http://www.davidlasley.com/
Joel - We'll start the chat as soon as David arrives.
DAVID - logged on. - 11/28 at 6:00pm PT
DAVID - Hi Joel!
Joel - And speak of the devil, here he is. Welcome, David.
DAVID - Thanks, I'm glad to be here again! It's been almost a year and half since my last chat!
Joel - Thanks for coming to talk to us yet again. I believe this is your third visit, right?
DAVID - Yes!
DAVID - Third time is a charm!
Joel - And I know a lot has happened in the intervening time.
Joel - We'll want to talk about your new bouncing baby CD, but first let's talk about geekier things.
DAVID - OK, lol.
Joel - You have an official web site at davidlasley.com. How has that worked out?
Joel - Does it change how you relate to fans?
DAVID - Great, I love having a way to give information about my work to people all around the world
DAVID - It's fun to hear from fans of James Taylor and fans of mine
Joel - Do you think it broadens your popularity in other countries?
DAVID - And it's given me the opportunity to put information about my work over the years all in one place
Joel - I know you've maintained a steady popularity in places like Japan.
DAVID - Re other countries, yes, plus it lets me know I have fans in places I didn't know that I had fans
DAVID - The site contains a lot of information about my work, from lists of the songs I've written and who recorded them.....
DAVID - and the work that I've done as a background singer with JT and so many others
Joel - And you don't have to wait for a label to do your promotion for you, right?
DAVID - and people can also listen to my songs via the site, and find out about my solo work, old and new
Joel - A lot of artists are discovering what a web presence can do. We talked to JT's daughter Sally about that. And of course your compatriot Arnold McCuller knows, too.
DAVID - Yes, I'm still waiting for the promotion from my old labels from the old days, lol
DAVID - Oh, and there are lots of photos on the site too, of people I've worked with, including JT and many others!
Joel - By the way, folks, I saw David perform with Arnold McCuller a few weeks back here in LA. It was excellent.
DAVID - Yes, the Internet has been very good to me!
Joel - What about the older albums. I know some of them are being reborn as re-releases.
DAVID - Thanks, Joel... it was fun to work with Arnold, of course, and to see Kate Markowitz perform too
Joel - How has that worked?
DAVID - Yes, the reissues of my early solo work has been very exciting!
Joel - Which ones are re-released?
DAVID - Demos was my first solo release that was re-issued, it was put out by a Japanese label called Cool Sound, and it's a 2 CD-set of a lot of my songs
DAVID - Cool Sound also re-issued my 1990 release, Soldiers on the Moon, with some bonus cuts
Joel - Are those CDs available here in the States?
DAVID - and Cool Sound ALSO re-issued one of my albums with my group Rosie, called Last Dance
DAVID - These CDs are not available in stores here in the US, but people can order them through my web site
Joel - And what about your new baby, Back To Blue-Eyed Soul?
Joel - You did that one yourself, right?
DAVID - Two other Japanese companies re-issued two other CDs, my Missin' Twenty Grand CD, and another Rosie CD, Better Late Than Never
DAVID - Yes, Back to Blue-Eyed Soul has been a really important labor of love for me!
Joel - How long has it been in the works?
DAVID - It's a compilation of my work dating back to 1966 (yikes!)
DAVID - It features some recent songs too, in fact
Joel - I'm listening to it right now, in fact, and it's great.
DAVID - Thanks!! I've had a lot of great response to it
Joel - Tell me about some of the folks who joined you on its tracks. People like Dusty Springfield?
DAVID - I included some songs from my early groups, the Utopias, and Rosie, too
DAVID - including some out-of-print stuff, and hard to find things, plus some movie themes and radio jingles that I'd done over the years
DAVID - Yes, I was so lucky to be able to work with Dusty, who is one of my all time favorites
DAVID - She sang on a recording I did of a song called "Earth Children," and she was part of the choir that included Arnold and Pricilla Cooldige, among others
DAVID - Dusty had a step-out part, too
DAVID - I had decided to put this song on "Back to Blue-Eyed Soul," and just last week, I found a copy of "Simply Dusty," which is a four CD retrospective of her entire career....
DAVID - And it includes "I Wish That Love Would Last," which is a song I wrote (and that Arnold and I sang backgrounds on)....
DAVID - And the liner notes to Dusty's CD mention that I wrote that song, and they also say that Dusty worked with me another time on the song "Earth Children" -- and....
Joel - It was a surprise to you?
DAVID - the liner notes refer to this song as not having been released -- but now, with "Back To Blue-Eyed Soul," it is!
DAVID - Yes, it was a surprise, and it made me very happy!!
DAVID - The timing was such a coincidence!
Joel - That's great. And what about the other things you threw in -- jingles and movie themes. What made you include those?
DAVID - I included the movie themes and radio jingles because most people don't know that I've done that kind of work.
DAVID - A lot of that work goes uncredited, but it's been a big part of my career
Joel - Do you know how many commercials you've done in your career?
DAVID "What A Piece of Work is Man," from the movie "Hair," is on Back to Blue-Eyed Soul.... and although it's included on the movie's soundtrack album, it was left out of the movie itself
DAVID - And "Stay Gold" from the movie "The Outsiders" was not used in the film, but it was replaced by someone else's recording.
DAVID - So, as I said, a lot of material on "Back to Blue-Eyed Soul" is stuff that "connects the dots" in my career and gives an overview that has never been put in one recroding before
DAVID - I've done a lot of commercials, mostly radio -- I'd have to count another time, lol (oh, the pressure!!)
Joel - And can you name any commercials any folks will remember and say "that was him?"
DAVID - Seagram's Wine Cooler and Aunt Jemima Pancakes (radio), which are on Back to Blue-Eyed Soul
DAVID - I've done many Miller Beer commercials (radio)
DAVID - I did a CBS promo jingle for "Murphy Brown"
DAVID - Captain Crunch!
Joel - I know one track, "Teamwork," has a JT story. What was it?
DAVID - I did a radio Mountain Dew commercial with Janet Jackson
DAVID - Yes, "Teamwork" was a disco tune that ended up being really popular in aerobics classes
DAVID - A lot of workout classes played it all the time
DAVID - One time I was talking to James, and he had just come from an aerobics class.....
DAVID - And somehow the song came up, and I told him that it was ME singing it
DAVID - And he didn't believe it was me! LOL
DAVID - So we laughed, and I eventually gave him a copy of the song, and he finally believed me
Joel - Did you sing an impromptu version to convince him?
DAVID - Probably
DAVID - lol
Joel - I want to give everyone else a chance to talk to you, too.
DAVID - OK, that will be great!
DAVID - Thanks for inviting me to be here, Joel!
Joel - In the meantime, though, I want to remind everyone that http://www.davidlasley.com/ is the place to find out more about Back to Blue-Eyed Soul, hear sound clips from all David's albums, and see more about his career.
Joel - You can also hear clips that include JT in backup.
Joel - We really appreciate it, David. So now I'll open it up. Thanks again for coming.
DAVID - ok!
ZoWie - logged on - [Member]
- 11/28 at 6:30pm PT
Joel - Go ahead and press Reload / Refresh in your browser, folks.
Andy!!! - logged on. - 11/28 at 6:30pm PT
helen - logged on - [Member]
- 11/28 at 6:30pm PT
Joel - You should be able to log in normally.
helen - Welcome, David!
Ggirl - logged on. - 11/28 at 6:30pm PT
DAVID - Hi everyone!!
LadyAron - logged on - [Member]
- 11/28 at 6:30pm PT
Mesa, Az - logged on. - 11/28 at 6:30pm PT
DAVID - Thanks, helen!
Andy!!! - hello david,Greetings from a wet and windy ireland...ay 230am
Ggirl - Hi David! Welcome.
ANGEL - logged on - [Member]
- 11/28 at 6:31pm PT
DAVID - Hi Andy!
LadyAron - Hello Hello David!! Thanks for being here with us!!
Pagernut - logged on. - 11/28 at 6:31pm PT
Pagernut - Hey David
Andy!!! - So who is first,i just have a few things to ask david
kramette - logged on. - 11/28 at 6:31pm PT
ANGEL - hey, David.......... what an inspiring half hour that was!! thank you!
DAVID - You're welcome, LadyAron, it's fun!
shooflypie - logged on. - 11/28 at 6:31pm PT
Mesa, Az - Hello David, Do you think you will do any solo performances soon?
Joel - Again, click on David's face in the upper left (try not to hurt him) to visit his site.
DAVID - Go ahead, Andy
Martinigirl - logged on. - 11/28 at 6:31pm PT
helen - David, my kudos to you for your terrific website, and of course to your webmistress, Jill. You chose well!
DAVID - A special hi to shooflypie!
ANGEL - lol@joel!
shooflypie - David, where can I buy a copy of Blu Eyed Soul?
Martinigirl - Hello David
wysteria - logged on. - 11/28 at 6:32pm PT
DAVID - Mesa, I hope so in the year 2001!
ANGEL - Are you ever in the Buffalo /Rochester area....David?
Ggirl - David, I really enjoy your website and am an avid fan of your music.
wysteria - Hi David from Vancouver!
DAVID - shooflypie, go to my site, http://www.davidlasley.com, and click on "Contact/Shop"
helen - I read you used to be nervous to do solo shows -- do you still get the jitters before shows?
Dennis O - logged on. - 11/28 at 6:33pm PT
DAVID - LOL, helen, thanks, I'll pass on your compliments
Mesa, Az - When will the Nyro tribute be released?
Andy!!! - I saw in your Site that you worked on "Luck of the Draw "with Bonnie,,,,........the title track is written by a friend of mine Paul Brady.....I work in Radio and had him on my show only a few weeks ago...Do you know Paul?
kramette - Hey david from JTLand--Massachusetts
Joel is listening to David singing about Aunt Jemima pancakes now.
DAVID - Angel, I'm usually there with James
Dennis O - Wassup, David!
shooflypie - David, whats your favorite song?
helen - LOL@Joel
DAVID - helen, not as much as I used to, I'm happy to say
DAVID - Andy, I never met Paul but I love his writing
ANGEL - yessssssssss, saw you in Darien last summmer.......David!!!! You were all awesome............
helen - excellent -- now what about flying? Will you be going to Europe with James next time out?
DAVID - Mesa, the Laura Nyro tribute is still in the works
wysteria - Dave do you enjoy acting in musical Theatre as in 'Hair'?
shooflypie - What song did you do with Dusty Springfield? When did you do it? What was she like to work with?
MoeLarrycheese - logged on. - 11/28 at 6:35pm PT
DAVID - Thanks, Angel!
helen - Where's Curly?
wysteria - where's curley....
Andy!!! - You have been with James since 77,"I don't mean to put you in a spot ,but do you think he is now making as go music as he did back then?
DAVID - shoefly, i have so many favorite songs, I can't even think of one, lol!!
MoeLarrycheese - Hi David, thanks for spending a little time with us. We hear that Arnold's not touring with JT this year, what's your status in that regard? hi L
MoeLarrycheese - Curly's the one askin' for cheese...
ANGEL - an equally as awesome the two nights at Tangle wood last ......two years ago..this was!! right? sheesh!!
Judy - logged on. - 11/28 at 6:36pm PT
DAVID - Dusty was GREAT, she was an absolute pro!
Mesa, Az - I have a 45 that has a "B" side called "there's got to be sombody". What's the story on that song. The "A" side is "If I had my wish tonight"
wysteria - what about musical theatre
unique deon - logged on. - 11/28 at 6:36pm PT
Judy - This is J. Dust from Fountain, how are you?
helen - 18 months ago, Angel! ;o)
ANGEL - yea, y ikes........eh , Helen?
DAVID - Andy, I think James' music is ever evolving and it's great. I think "Another Day" is probably one of the best songs I've heard in years by anyone.
Dennis O - You've sung some great backups for Melissa Manchester, even back to "O Heaven." Have you two ever written together?
DAVID - hi unique!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
unique deon - Hi "David"
shooflypie - What Album is "Ain't Gonna let you break my heart again" om?
Arkie - logged on. - 11/28 at 6:38pm PT
DAVID - Mesa, it's also called "Back on the Street AGain," It was just the B side of that song
wysteria - hi ark
helen - I agree about Another Day -- though Gaia is my favorite from Hourglass
Pagernut - Hi Arkie
DAVID - Dennis, I sang background on the 45 version of "O Heaven," it was my FIRST background session in New York
shooflypie - Back on the Street Again should have been an A Side!
Arkie - Hey (((roomies))) (((Wysteria)))
unique deon - can't chat for long-have to pick up the oldest at school soon
Andy!!! - how do you feel about Napster.......Think of it this way,Andys here in Ireland and wants to play some David Lasley on his show......I go to all my local record stores and cant get your stuff......So if i download it and play it off my show...and there is many many calls to hear more..."Am I Robbing from You?
Dennis O - You make "O Heaven" cook.
Judy - I'm getting two of your "back to Blue Eyed Soul" One picture is for Marylou. Will you autograph both?
DAVID - Dennis, Melissa and I got together once or twice to write. We didn't finish anything, but she's GREAT
Mesa, Az - WAs singing with Jackie De Shannon one of the highlites of your career?
helen - David, you have such an amazing range. Can you sing as easily in your low voice (Stay Gold) as in your high one?
Tweety - logged on. - 11/28 at 6:40pm PT
Pagernut - Good point andy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Arkie - Jey pager
Andy!!! - Thank you Pager
DAVID - Shoo fly, "I Ain't Gonna Let You Break My Heart Again," which I wrote, was on Bonnie Raitt's Nick of Time album
unique deon - musique-where are you?
DAVID - unique, I'm so glad you could be here, love your name, lol!!!
Judy - Do you remember when you were my lab partner in chemisty class?
Arkie - Hey (((David))) what a treat!
ZoWie - yeah where's musique?
MoeLarrycheese - Any chance of getting that cute girl who interviewed you to write your full biography? From what I hear, I'm sure it'd better than the recent JT attempt.
DAVID - helen, actually it is more difficult to sing in my low voice
unique deon - I'm musique's evil twin sister..lol
Martinigirl - wow, didn't know you wrote that...I've l
Martinigirl - learned something new!
Dennis O - What's Ula been up to lately?
DAVID - Mesa, singing with Jackie DeShannon, which I did recently at her live show, was AMAZING, especially getting to sing with her on "What the World Needs Now"
LadyAron - David....What is the best thing about singing with JT?
DAVID - Hi Judy, nice to see you!
unique deon - al deon says hi and she misses you
helen - David, so many great singers have recorded your songs -- do you have a favorite?
DAVID - moe, lol....
MoeLarrycheese - I'm excited about "Blue Eyed Soul," can't wait to get my copy. Don't know what could be holding up that stinkin' UPS guy.
Tweety - Hi Roomies.... HELLO DAVID!!!!!!!
helen - I mean favorite cover of your work, not favorite artist covering your work. :o)
DAVID - LadyAron -- it's JT -- JT is the best thing about JT
ZoWie - that interview lady really is a real looker.....
wysteria - lol@ zowie
DAVID - Dennis, Ula was on Letterman last night with Bette Midler and she slammed!!!
Judy - I still have some of the vinyls you gave me back when
Mesa, Az - What current artists do you listen to?
unique deon - take care-gotta go-talk with you soon
LadyAron - Thanks, David. :)
DAVID - She is so brilliant! (Ula)
ANGEL - and a real wonderful person too, Zowie!! you should meet her!! LOL
Dennis O - Yes. You, Arnold, Luther, et al.
DAVID - helen, probably Anita Baker doing "You Bring Me Joy" is my favorite artist covering my work, with Bonnie Raitt doing "Break My Heart" a close second
wysteria - angel without a halo is so right...
Martinigirl - David, what instruments do you play?
ANGEL - lol@wys
DAVID - Mesa, I've been listening to Shelby Lynne a lot
MoeLarrycheese - David, wait a minute, "Aunt Jemima pancakes without the syrup is like the spring without the fall," that was you?
Judy - Do you remember Dr. Buzzards origingal Savannah band, I have that in vinyl, too
Andy!!! - You might have missed that david..........."How do you feel about Napster.......Think of this ..Im in Ireland and want to play you on my show,I search all the record stores and cant find your album,so i download it and plays lots of it on Air................next thing i get loads and loads of calls asking for more ...Here is my Question"Am i robbing from you,and if so do i stop playing it..?
Martinigirl - saw Shelby live and backstage in NY...my friend works for her label...she likes oldschool blues alot
DAVID - Martinigirl, I play piano, and I used to play trumpet a long time ago
helen - and air guitar, David, don't forget that!
DAVID - Yes, Moe, that's me!
TFS - logged on. - 11/28 at 6:46pm PT
wysteria - Missing Twenty Grand a great little record
DAVID - NO, Andy, the more people that listen to my work, the better!!
Dennis O "Take a Look" is one of the best recorded performances by anyone. Ever. So glad to hear that I can now have it on CD.
Andy!!! - So its thumbs up then...........
TFS - Hi David. How did you first hook up with JT?
Mesa, Az - I have a clip (off cable TV) of you singing at Reno Sweenys inthe early 90's. It's great ! It should be on your web site.
shooflypie - logged on. - 11/28 at 6:47pm PT
DAVID - Judy, our records came out the same day!
Joel - Many of David's CDs are available directly from him via his site, though: http://www.davidlasley.com/
wysteria - take a look/
DAVID - Dennis, thank you!! "Take A Look" is one of my favorite songs
merfygirl - logged on. - 11/28 at 6:47pm PT
MoeLarrycheese - Awe, he called me Moe... I'm touched.
helen - David, do you have a phenomenal memory or something? You seem to remember EVERYTHING.
Martinigirl - David, were you on the Dr. Buzzard's record...the one about Tommy Mottola?
Andy!!! - I understand that Joel.........But im asking about the bigger picture....
DAVID - Mesa, thanks!! That's "Warm As the Wind," which is on Soldiers on the Moon
LadyAron - David....You always look like you are having so much fun onstage. Has it ever not been fun?
MoeLarrycheese - I hear that JT is a workout nut. When you're on tour does he make you do a lot of push ups, or rollerblade down steep hills?
clementine - logged on. - 11/28 at 6:49pm PT
DAVID - Andy, yes, that was a good question about Napster... as I said, I like the idea that people can sample my work. That's why we have so many sound clips of my work on my web site!
kramette - logged off. - 11/28 at 6:49pm PT
Andy!!! - Im happy to see David wanting his music played across the world at any cost...good for you man
Judy - Going to be home soon? Hope I see you when you are.
Mesa, Az - Do you hope to work with Don Was again someday?
DAVID - TFS, check out the interview with me that's on my web site, and that has the whole story
Martinigirl - You go David, I'm a huge fan of Napster...one of the few
DAVID - Martinigirl, no, but patti austin is
shooflypie - Hey Andy! B Ypou can buy all of David's CDS right on his website.
wysteria - what about vocal exercises...
ZoWie - napster helps sales.... anyone in this industry will say so privately..........
ANGEL - I just peeked at your website, DAVID!! wow!!! what an impressive jewel that is!!! can't wait to really examine it all! and enjoy it all!!!
Dennis O "Hold me till my winter starts to fade..." did you write that? What's the title?
wysteria - jt always looks at you guys when you sing off key
Pagernut - I am a fan of Napster too...I find it a nice library of lost music tracks and lost performers
Martinigirl - Thanks David...wow, I'll check my old album now.
DAVID - Mesa, I have recently worked with him on Bette Midler's new album (Bette) and maybe one day I'll work with him again as a solo artist (he produced my Raindance LP)
helen - David, will you be touring with JT next year? What about Rock in Rio?
Andy!!! - dont get me wrong david im in this Buinness and i would rather pay for your music......But i just like to throw that question at people like yourself,I asked Paul Brady and Tom Russell and they said the same thing as you
shooflypie - When are you goung to sing live. I heard a rumor that you will be doing a solo show.
DAVID - wysteria, re vocal excercises, I sing to oldies
KAROLYN FORD - logged on. - 11/28 at 6:52pm PT
DAVID - I've only been to a voice class twice in my life, actually
wysteria - sort of like richard simmons does to workin' out with the oldies
Wanda - logged on. - 11/28 at 6:53pm PT
Andy!!! - I hope that my Questions are not too sticky,but..........You were on the Geffen label..and i know that Neil Young had trouble there...Were you looked after
clementine - logged on. - 11/28 at 6:53pm PT
ANGEL - David??? did you meet Bette?
Judy - Gotta go, Dave, stay kewl, keep up the good work, your friend from Michigan.
DAVID - Dennis, no, I didn't write "Hold Me Till My Winter Fades AWay," it was written by Lana Marrano (who was in my group Rosie) and Marsha Malamet. It blows me away that you know that, they were only sung live in concert!
Lora - logged on. - 11/28 at 6:53pm PT
DAVID - Angel, thanks for your nice comment about my web site. Re Bette, I've know and sung with her for years!!
LadyAron - I need to go.....Thanks again for being here, David. And good luck with all you do. :)
Wanda - Are you going to read the new JT bio "Fire And Rain", I read it and thought it was very entertaining and enlightening
LadyAron - logged off. - 11/28 at 6:54pm PT
merfygirl - logged off. - 11/28 at 6:54pm PT
Andy!!! - If i had my way ...i would love to see you do something with Janis Ian........Now you guys together would be something...wow......
Dennis O - You know I'm your oldest fan...way way back.
DAVID - Andy, yes I was looked after on the Geffen label -- a little TOO well
Mesa, Az - You do have an excellent web site. Any questions I've had have been taken care of promptly by Jill.
ANGEL - wowow!!! i'm soooooooooooooooo impressed with you!! DAVID>....you are kind........AND A FRIEND of Bette's ? ehehe.....she is a riot......
wysteria - do you miss Don Grolnick's 'work' delicate approach to making songs...(production)..
Martinigirl - Continued success David...great chatting with you! Bye now.
Tweety - Bette is awesome, been a big fan of hers for years!!
Martinigirl - logged off. - 11/28 at 6:56pm PT
ANGEL - just HOW old are you , Dennis O? hehe
ZoWie - seeya (((mg)))
DAVID - wysteria, of course I miss Don and his work with JT and many other artists
Dennis O - Old, baby.
DAVID - Thanks, Mesa, I'll give her a raise
helen - a little TOO well???? There sounds like there's a story there!
Andy!!! - David you have been great....make sure if you visit ireland come on my Show man.........Tipperary Mid West Radio..................God Bless that Voice
DAVID - helen, maybe I'll write a book some day
wysteria - persimmons is a neat record...
clementine - You are truly blessed and obviou
DAVID - Just a quick note to everyone, we have the private messages feature turned off, cause it's too hard to respond to everything (sorry!!!!!)
Wanda - David, what will you call your book?
musique - logged on. - 11/28 at 6:58pm PT
clementine - oops
DAVID - Thanks, Andy!!
musique - finally!!!!!
TROUT - logged on. - 11/28 at 6:58pm PT
shooflypie - David, are you singing anywhere in LA soon?
DAVID - Hi Musique!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! what a great name!!!!
musique - I'm HERE!!!! I JUST got connected!!!
Andy!!! - thanks Joel for making this happen tonight.......your the man...see you all here tomorrow.......
wysteria - hi trout!
ANGEL - then here DAVID........this is my pm to you!!! I love seeing how loved and respected YOU are!!! what a real blessing!!!
DAVID - I hope so, shooflypie! I hope to do some solo performing in 2001
musique - thanks, dave... wonder where I came up w/ it????
clementine - YOU are truly blessed and obviously have the talent to back it up with all of the incredible talents you have been able to work with.
shooflypie - Is BACK TO BLUE EYED SOUL your newest CD?
DAVID - lol, musique
musique - I have a question about Circus Ride,
Andy!!! - My God its 3am..................
Tweety - David, do you have a tour schedule in mind?
DAVID - thanks, angel, that's so sweet!
Wanda - David, if there's one artist you would like to record a duet with, who would it be?
Andy!!! - Slan.......Its bedtime
Pagernut - see ya andy...........slan
MoeLarrycheese - David, I really do think that you should get what's 'er name to ghost write your memoirs. An historical music legend like yourself must be rich with great inside stories which no one else could tell.
TROUT - Man, I always miss everything. I missed graduation, I missed my child being born, I missed my childs first steps and now this> Great I'm joining the Arlow Gutherie chat I cant take this anymore.
Andy!!! - Say Janis Ian David....go on...lol
DAVID - yes, Shooflypie, back to blue-eyed soul is my new CD, there's lots of info about it on my website, http://www.davidlasley.com
musique - Are you going to try to release it on the anniversary of Chernobyl? I know that you couldn't release it because it has a swear word in it, but w/ todays music, would you consider it?
DAVID - yes, musique?
Judy - Dave, I was on here only once before, first time ever on any chat line and no one believed I knew you. . Take care. Jude.
wysteria - are you missing Twenty grand too...
shooflypie - Has anyone heard David singing Its Too Late? Awesome.
musique - On third street...
DAVID - musique, that's a very interesting thought.... interesting how music has changed, how words you could never use can now be used
musique - yes, it's one of my favorites...
Dennis O - logged on. - 11/28 at 7:01pm PT
musique - although, I like his Rosie stuff, also...
willow - logged on - [Member]
- 11/28 at 7:01pm PT
ANGEL - look.........old Dennis is back!! hehe
wysteria - doo wap
Andy!!! - I can't go to bed untill you say that you might do some work with Janis Ian...........Come on David im falling asleep on my Computer here...help me...lol
Wanda - David, would you like to record a duet with M&M?
DAVID - Wanda, that's a hard question to answer -- if I could sing a duet with anyone, it would be Rebecca Martin from a group called "once blue"
musique - like, Safe Harbor, which is an excellent wedding song.....
ANGEL - hey, willowtree!
Pagernut - LMAO LMAO @ andy!!!
DAVID - thanks, bye Judy
musique - LOL@Andy
willow - hey angelcake!
musique - Has unique been in tonight?
Dennis O - Hank Medress & Dave Appel said you are the best singer in the business. I agree. You are a god . And an inspiration and role model for so many of us.
ZoWie - yes musique
wysteria - Dave you have a very unique vocal range can't believe you had only a few lessons!
DAVID - Andy -- I know Janis from the Rondor days. We were both writers there. I almost wrote with her one time.
TFS - logged off. - 11/28 at 7:03pm PT
TROUT - Dave I hate you missed me you would of loved my rendition of you singing "It's To late"
ANGEL - hmmmmmmmmmmm, the only person I know who might have that cd.Rebecca martin....and "once Blue" is a JT chatter named Moonman!! he sure knows his stuff.........musically!!
musique - thanks, Zowie...
DAVID - thanks, musique, that's so sweet!
DAVID - Dennis, thank you so much!!!
DAVID - Well, everyone, thanks for being here! Hope you'll visit my web site and sign up for my mailing list!
Andy!!! - but what happened man.....i love her Voice as i do your....It would work man..trust me...I will play it off the Radio here idf you do
Mesa, Az - Are you still doing commercials/jingles?
helen - Thanks for coming (((((((David))))))))))
DAVID - You can listen to my songs and you can check out my new CD, "Back to Blue-Eyed Soul" and order most of my recordings
musique - It's the truth!!! I was singing a bunch of your songs in here one night...Lead me on... Jojo....
willow - nite ((((((((David))))))))
Lora - thanks David!!
DAVID - http://www.davidlasley.com
DAVID - goodbye (((((((((((((((everyone))))))))))))))
Dennis O - Thanks, David. You da man!
shooflypie - Hey David. Wht is your favorite track on BACK TO BLUE EYED SOUL?
wysteria - Thanks for taking time out to visit us @ jto. You are the best.
ANGEL - ((((((((((((((((((((((((((DAVID!!))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) you are amazing!! love you
Joel - Thanks, David. We love having you here.
FLMadMax - logged on. - 11/28 at 7:05pm PT
Judy - logged off. - 11/28 at 7:05pm PT
Wanda - thanks David, good night
musique - sorry I didn't get in here soon enough... DARN!!! See ya (((((((((Davie))))))))) the kids say hi!!!!!
FLMadMax - ciao David! I'm late again!
wysteria - logged off. - 11/28 at 7:05pm PT
DAVID - Thanks, Joel -- bye!!
MoeLarrycheese - Thanks, David, I'll be sure to check in at your site real soon. Come back and see us again!
DAVID - logged off. - 11/28 at 7:06pm PT