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Arnold McCuller Chat at James Taylor Online
24 August 98
Joel - A reminder for new arrivals: It's normal that you can't log on or talk. That's only for the first part of tonight's chat. Afterwards you'll be able to log on normally and talk to Arnold.
Joel - We'll start the chat as soon as Arnold arrives. I'll let everyone know when they can log in again, which should be around 7 p.m. Pacific
Joel - We'll start soon, everyone.
Arno - logged on
Joel - Welcome, Arnold
Joel - You can't tell right now, but we have a packed house of listeners tonight.
Arno - how are you? I'm nervous again!
Joel - More like a radio interview, I suppose
Joel - Don't worry. Everyone's really excited so have you here.
Joel - to have you here, that is
Joel - So are you ready to begin?
Arno - Yes lets start
Joel - First of all I want to thank you for coming back to see us. Everyone had a great time last time.
Joel - Folks couldn't say enough nice things about having you come join us.
Joel - First I wanted to ask you about the wild summer you just finished. You just got back from the final summer show in Mexico, right?
Arno - Will I recognize some of the same people?
Joel - I think you might. You'll get to see them all when they log on for the open period in a little while.
Arno - Mexico was odd because David didn't go., and we didn't have our set or equipt.
Joel - Why was that? Was he ill?
Arno - No he simply doesn't fly! Fear.
Joel - Ah. I see. I thought maybe you'd be taking the bus across the border, too. Didn't realize the band flew to Mexico City
Joel - How do the band members feel about ending such a huge, successful tour. Was it a good feeling or a sad one?
Arno - It was good considering the ups and downs with drummers but we all stayed healthy and ther were few accidents! Thank God!
Joel - What do you plan to do in the brief interim?
Joel - I know you're doing two solo shows in September. Plan to do more recording?
Joel - By the way: See www.arnoldmcculler.com for tour dates, folks
Arno - I'm working already on "You Can"t Go Back". WE recorded Carlos today by using pro tools and taking him from tracks of Yutakas
Joel - Sounds great. When do you think you'll finish the album?
Joel - "You Can't Go Back" is Arnold's upcoming solo album, everyone.
Arno - The end of October or sooner, I may record more or fix some old stuff.
Joel - And can you tell us a little about the album? Are you happy with it so far?
Arno - I love it! I think it's my best work so far.
Joel - What's the best track in your opinion?
Joel - And are you using the same musicians you use in your solo shows?
Arno - It's really groovy and happy! some tracks even danceable! The best to me is Little Rose.
Joel - How early will folks be able to get their hands on the album?
Joel - And do you expect it to get national distribution?
Arno - I'm using some of everybody. Bill, and Greeg, and lots of Stars! Not until after the Christmas Rush. February maybe.
Arno - I will have worldwide dist. I assure you
Joel - A lot of folks still ask me about whether there's still a source for the last album. Is it out of print permanently as far as you know?
Joel - So folks will be able to find it in their local shops?
Joel - Your new album, that is.
Joel - Are you using any other JT band members on You Can't Go Back?
Arno - I honestly believe after the release of the new package I'll be able to re-release Exception. Yes in all the stores.
Joel - That's great news.
Joel - "Exception To the Rule" is Arnold's last album, everyone.
Arno - Joel, Hows your girlfriend? Tell her I say hello
Joel - She's right here. I'll tell her.
Joel - Sandra and I have seen two of Arnold's solo shows now, folks. I highly recommend them. Two more coming up next month in the L.A. area.
Arno - Chris was going to join me but he had to work late. Sorry
Joel - We'll have him come visit for the next one, then.
Joel - Do you think you might record or tour with David Lasley and/or the other singers? Have you in the past?
Arno - Good
Arno - David and I have been singing together since 1970
Joel - Does he appear on "You Can't Go Back?
Arno - I'm doing Phil collins live by request Oct !st in NY for A&E
Joel - I hadn't heard that. That's great. I'm sure folks will want to catch that.
Arno - David isn't on the record much to my distress
Joel - Does he do any solo recording (Lasley)?
Arno - Hopeful singing seperate lives and easy lover
Joel - Sounds like something folks will be taping.
Arno - David fans will tell you he has great sol records, like Raindance and Missing 20 Grand
Joel - I know those can be tough to find, as people have written me sadly.
Joel - So what's on tap for 1999 for you and for your work with JT?
Arno - David had a group called Rosie, and I had a group called Revelation
Arno - I believe James will do some one-offs but no tour as far as I can tell.
Joel - We heard a rumor of a symphonic tour next year for JT.
Arno - You know more the me.
Joel - Do you plan to do any more extensive touring of your own to support the CD?
Arno - I did hear that there may be a symphony release, but don't quote me. I will do clubs or open for someone if I get some good airplay, which I really expect.
Joel - I hope you do. I know lots of folks in other parts of the country would love to see and hear you live.
Joel - Well, if it's okay with you, Arnold, I'm going to open up the floodgates in a couple minutes and let everyone in.
Joel - Things will quickly get very chaotic, so before then I want to thank you for coming to talk to us. We're all huge fans of yours.
Arno - I have been investigating some places as we toured through. I keep my eyes and ears open.
Joel - And watch his web site for updates, folks. Sign up for his mailing list, too: www.arnoldmcculler.com
Arno - Sure folks Please tell me where I should play in your area
Joel - Okay. I'll leave that to the multitudes.
Joel - Now everyone else: In a minute you'll be able to either click "reload" or "refresh" to log into the chat normally.
Arno - Small clubs or theatres
Joel - If that doesn't work, just go back to the site's front page and come in as you usually wold.
Joel - would, that is.
Joel - Thanks, arnold.
Joel - The door's open, everyone. Here they come.
MyWords - logged on - Mon Aug 24 9:48pm ET xpool19.acunet.net using Mozilla/4.02 [en]C-DIAL (Win95; U)
Donna - logged on - Mon Aug 24 9:48pm ET 1cust2.tnt4.lax3.da.uu.net using Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 4.01; MSN 2.5; Windows 95)
Arno - My pleasure
Hank - logged on - Mon Aug 24 9:48pm ET using Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 4.01; Windows 95)
albie - logged on - Mon Aug 24 9:48pm ET 175-132-28.ipt.aol.com using Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 4.0; Windows 95)
tim west - logged on - Mon Aug 24 9:48pm ET using Mozilla/2.0 (compatible; MSIE 3.02; Update a; AK; Windows 95)
MyWords - Hi, Arnold. Thanks for coming.
willow - logged on - Mon Aug 24 9:48pm ET using Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 4.01; Windows 98)
acrowl - logged on - Mon Aug 24 9:48pm ET spider-tk023.proxy.aol.com using Mozilla/2.0 (compatible; MSIE 3.02; AOL 4.0; Windows 95)
Kata - logged on - Mon Aug 24 9:48pm ET pm1-34.cococo.net using Mozilla/4.03 [en] (Win95; I)
Tee - logged on - Mon Aug 24 9:48pm ET 1cust123.tnt2.beaverton.or.da.uu.net using Mozilla/4.05 (Macintosh; I; PPC)
babs - logged on
Goldie - logged on - Mon Aug 24 9:48pm ET polport10.pitton.com using Mozilla/4.04 (Macintosh; I; 68K)
Donna - Hi Arnold....this is Donna Lantello. I am Kimmer Lantello's cousin.
bassman - logged on
Diane - logged on - Mon Aug 24 9:49pm ET ppp-hky-281.abts.net using Mozilla/3.03Gold (Win16; I)
kate - logged on - Mon Aug 24 9:49pm ET wormhole-a86.myhome.net using Mozilla/3.01 (Win95; I)
Eric - logged on - Mon Aug 24 9:49pm ET spider-tl064.proxy.aol.com using Mozilla/2.0 (compatible; MSIE 3.0; AOL 3.0; Windows 3.1)
ferg - logged on - Mon Aug 24 9:49pm ET spider-ta024.proxy.aol.com using Mozilla/2.0 (compatible; MSIE 3.02; AOL 4.0; Windows 95)
BrentfromAL - logged on - Mon Aug 24 9:49pm ET ts2p10.ro.com using Mozilla/4.04 [en] (Win95; U)
SuperD - logged on - Mon Aug 24 9:49pm ET cras21p42.navix.net using Mozilla/2.02 (Macintosh; I; 68K)
linda - logged on - Mon Aug 24 9:49pm ET anc1044.gci.net using Mozilla/3.0Gold (Win95; U)
oops&whammy - logged on - Mon Aug 24 9:49pm ET pm-mh8-58.coastalnet.com using Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 4.01; MSN 2.5; MSN 2.5; Windows 95)
albie - i have to ask the question... what's your favortie jt song to sing?
Amatoria - logged on
kath - logged on - Mon Aug 24 9:49pm ET pm30-5-07.misslink.net using Mozilla/4.05 [en] (Win95; I ;Nav)
Gunky - logged on - Mon Aug 24 9:49pm ET dial-20.r10.ncchrl.infoave.net using Mozilla/3.01-C-INFOAVENUE (Macintosh; I; PPC)
Kata - Hi Arnold!!!
lilcardinal - logged on - Mon Aug 24 9:49pm ET host-209-214-119-145.bna.bellsouth.net using Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 4.01; Windows 95; Snap.home.5)
Luke - logged on - Mon Aug 24 9:49pm ET cr660730-a.lndn1.on.wave.home.com using Mozilla/2.0 (compatible; MSIE 3.0; Windows 95)
Tasha - logged on - Mon Aug 24 9:49pm ET 205-174-166.ipt.aol.com using Mozilla/2.0 (compatible; MSIE 3.02; Update a; Windows 95)
Amber - logged on - Mon Aug 24 9:49pm ET pm2-17.usol.com using Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 4.0; MSN 2.5; Windows 95)
who - logged on - Mon Aug 24 9:49pm ET m182.haygroup.com using Mozilla/2.0 (compatible; MSIE 3.0; Windows 95)
Emily - logged on - Mon Aug 24 9:49pm ET spider-we021.proxy.aol.com using Mozilla/2.0 (compatible; MSIE 3.02; Update a; AOL 3.0; Windows 95)
jazzcat - logged on - Mon Aug 24 9:49pm ET dialin2211a.carol.net using Mozilla/4.03 [en] (Win95; I ;Nav)
bajamike - logged on
lorraine - logged on - Mon Aug 24 9:49pm ET 167-66-97.ipt.aol.com using Mozilla/4.05 [en] (Win95; I)
Julie - logged on - Mon Aug 24 9:49pm ET vict-03-09.dialup.winco.net using Mozilla/2.0 (compatible; MSIE 3.0; Windows 95)
TJ - hey Arnold....we've got a great place in Lima, Ohio for you...Liv's played here before!
echo - logged on - Mon Aug 24 9:49pm ET ts002d42.sal-ma.concentric.net using Mozilla/2.0 (compatible; MSIE 3.02; Update a; AK; Windows 95)
Hank - Arnold, whose work do you find more challenging vocally: JT or Phil Collins?
Arno - Thanks for all the mail!!!
acrowl - Arnold: Come to Cincinnati!!!
Gunky - Tah Dah!!!
BrentfromAL - Thanks Arnold for coming
babs - ARNOLD
Emily - Hi Arnold
Squibnocke - logged on - Mon Aug 24 9:49pm ET spider-we044.proxy.aol.com using Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 4.01; AOL 3.0; Windows 98)
ANGELFACE - logged on - Mon Aug 24 9:49pm ET pm3-58.bluemoon.net using Mozilla/2.0 (compatible; MSIE 3.02; Windows 95)
Sunnie - logged on - Mon Aug 24 9:49pm ET proxy13.ykt.prodigy.net using Mozilla/2.0 (compatible; MSIE 3.02; Windows 95)
Buster - logged on - Mon Aug 24 9:49pm ET using Mozilla/3.0 (Win95; U; 16bit)
Goldie - ((((Arnold)))) That's me hugging you, in case you didn't know!!!! Welcome!!!!!!!!
ferg - Arnold, we really missed you & JT in Philly this summer
kath - Welcome,Arnold,you have such a wonderful voice!!
Joel - There's plenty of time, folks, so please hold your questions a bit if you can
oops&whammy - OH MY GOSH!!!!.........welcome Arnold!!!
Kasa - logged on - Mon Aug 24 9:49pm ET max2-192.99main.com using Mozilla/4.03 [en] (Win95; U)
jazzcat - welcome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tracy - logged on - Mon Aug 24 9:49pm ET pool-207-205-162-129.nwrk.grid.net using Mozilla/4.05 [en] (Win95; U)
secret - logged on - Mon Aug 24 9:49pm ET using Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 4.01; Windows 98)
SuperD - Arnold>how did the extended ending of Shower the People come about? It is a fave around here
kate - seattle is waiting for you!!!
Eric - Ahhhhh...air.....Hi Arnold........
Diane - Hello Arnold! Thanks for coming back again!!
Hb - logged on - Mon Aug 24 9:49pm ET using Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 4.0; Windows 95; c_athome)
GAIA - logged on - Mon Aug 24 9:49pm ET spider-te043.proxy.aol.com using Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 4.0; AOL 3.0; Windows 95
clyer - logged on - Mon Aug 24 9:49pm ET using Mozilla/4.05 [en] (Win95; I)
Don - logged on - Mon Aug 24 9:49pm ET lpm4-26.cyberatl.net using Mozilla/3.04 (Win95; U)
Amatoria - Good evening and good morning Arnold!
Mona - logged on - Mon Aug 24 9:49pm ET spider-ti081.proxy.aol.com using Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 4.01; AOL 4.0; Windows 98)
Tom OB - logged on - Mon Aug 24 9:49pm ET hrfr-sh6-port159.snet.net using Mozilla/3.01C-SNET (Win95; U)
echo - Lowell Auditorium, in Massachusetts, Arnold
lorraine - Arnold - you know we loved you in Oregon.. Salem would be a nice place to return too!! any chance of it??
Squibnocke - Hey Arnold!!
Buster - Arno......who do we contact to book you for a show???
who - logged on - Mon Aug 24 9:49pm ET m182.haygroup.com using Mozilla/2.0 (compatible; MSIE 3.0; Windows 95)
ANGELFACE - wow!!!!! look at that crowd!!! all for arnold!!!
Kasa - Hey Arnold! Welcome!
bassman - Hello Arnold.
lilcardinal - Arnold.. I'm from Nashville... and you should do 328 Performance Hall, Bluebird Cafe', or Cafe' Milano...
Arno - Cinci is below my hometown
clyer - Thanks for coming to Mexico!!!!
jazzcat - liftoff!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
lyrical - logged on - Mon Aug 24 9:50pm ET using Mozilla/4.03 [en] (Win95; I)
Emily - How about New Orleans too ?? :)
Tracy - Hello Arnold!
Don - Greetings from Atlanta, Arnold & Joel!!
ANGELFACE - marine midland arena in buffalo, arnold
Arno - David got an Apt in Portland, we love it there
Goldie - Wow!!!!! This is fun!!!!!! We are soooooo glad you are here! COME TO KANSAS!!!!
Julie - ((((((Arno)))))))))))........thanks for coming..........!!!.........are you doing any songwriting of your own.....if not who writes for you.......;o)......and thanks for the intermission chat in Moline...
Squibnocke - Pine Knob, Clarkston, Michigan
jazzcat - anywhere would be nice forme in the carolinas
Sunnie - Hi Arnold! Glad to finally get to hear you "live"
ferg - ANYWHERE in Philly, PLEASE!
secret - saratoga would welcome you
tim west - hello arnold,, great to be able to chat with you ! I was in the last concert of the tour in Mexico city and it was just great ! i`ve been following JT since i was 13 yrs old and now i`m 33 and saw you guys last friday for my birthday as a gift from my wife, i live in guadalajara mexico anfd the best place to play here is the " teatro Degollado "
bajamike - nice job in San Diego,,,,
lyrical - Hey! I fit!
bassman - Moncton, New Brunswick, Canada, The Capitol Theatre, Arnold.
acrowl - What town is that
BrentfromAL - Nashville, yes, saw you there, "ya'll" were great!
who - Hi Arnold --from Kansas City
Tasha - Good evening Arnold, it was good seeing you in Milwaukee and Chicago with Michael.
babs - ARNOLD
Luke - Hi Arnold... how would one go about convincing either you or James to do some more shows in Canada?
willow - come to Lake Tahoe
Don - Arnold: A wonderful amphitheater in Peachtree City, Georgia, is a PERFECT venue for your show!!
Kata - I hope everyone has their JT Live CD on right now!!!
Tee - Hey Arnold- enjoyed your singing on the JT tour. Saw seven concerts and each time you had a standing ovation. I was front row in Vegas-what was the story behind the shoes? Looking forward to catching your show in LA or if you come to Portland, OR. By the
Arno - My favorite songs are For all we Know Slow burnin love, and At Last
SuperD - Arnold>how did the extended ending of Shower the People come about? It is a fave around here
Rob - logged on - Mon Aug 24 9:51pm ET using Mozilla/3.01 (Win95; I)
Donna - Arnold, do you miss working with Rosemary and Leland?
Joel - Please hold your questions and comments a bit, folks. If everyone talks no one reads it.
Joel - There's plenty of time
secret - do you have any idea what rosemary butler is doing now?
Hb - Arnold you are the voice!!!Coming to KC area??
Arno - Anywhere?
Mona - Hi Arnold, we love you here in NY.....Saratoga Performing Arts Center would love to have you!!!!
babs - logged off - Mon Aug 24 9:52pm ET s21.pm3.tcon.net using Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 4.01; Windows 95; TCON.NET - Customized IE.)
Rob - Arnold, How do you stay in shape?
bassman - Hello.
albie - i get a feeling that was a bad question to ask :)
Tracy - I really enjoyed meeting you and everyone else at the Beacon Theatre in New York this May, it was a real treat and honor to meet you and the whole gang!
kate - my brother says thats my man whenever he hears your voice!
Arno - Good question I really miss Lee Sklar. He and I did everything together on the road
Don - I'm reading..... Ever hear from Debra McColl?
Tasha - Was half the room booted?
Kasa - Arnold, we're trying to get James to come back to Summer Music in Connecticut, Love to see you again!
Arno - I work out daily. Spinning Yoga and weights
ANGELFACE - where did everyone go?
clyer - logged on - Mon Aug 24 9:53pm ET using Mozilla/4.05 [en] (Win95; I)
Sweet Baby A - logged on - Mon Aug 24 9:53pm ET spider-tq032.proxy.aol.com using Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 4.01; AOL 4.0; Windows 98)
Donna - I used to hear all of the stories when Kimmer toured with you and the group.
KarenC - logged on - Mon Aug 24 9:53pm ET p117.amax53.dialup.hou1.flash.net using Mozilla/4.05 [en] (Win95; I; 16bit)
Sunnie - Arnold...did you guys like performing at the Coral Sky Ampitheater in W. Palm Beach last year? I thought it was the best show I have ever seen (and I've seen a dozen throughout the years)
Sweet Baby A - Hello
Arno - Don no I don't know who that is
Tracy - I saw you eating on the sidewalk, but I didn't want to disturb your meal by saying Hi!
acrowl - Are you from Ohio??
Lil - logged on - Mon Aug 24 9:53pm ET rionb04p10.unisys.com.br using Mozilla/4.03 [pt] (Win95; I)
bajamike - this is only a test
albie - do you have equipment on the trailers or just at local gyms?
c0l0nel - logged on - Mon Aug 24 9:53pm ET host-209-214-36-148.mco.bellsouth.net using Mozilla/2.0 (compatible; MSIE 3.02; Update a; AK; Windows 95)
lyrical - I have a huge crush on Leland!
lorraine - Arnold, that was sweet of you to give David one flower at the Gorge in WA!!! Would love to have you back in the Portland Oregon area!!!
Tom OB - logged off - Mon Aug 24 9:54pm ET hrfr-sh6-port159.snet.net using Mozilla/3.01C-SNET (Win95; U)
tim west - hey arnold, just saw you last friday in mx city, really good concert, is JT really afraid of flying??
lyrical - I have a huge crush on Leland!
Rob - Arnold, who do you like to listen to?
Arno - Home was Cleveland
lilcardinal - I dunno, angel... god.. I mean, joel.. did you boot some of us?
MyWords - SuperD, that is the same question I was going to ask. Pretty creapy.
clyer - Arnold> Did you like Mexico audience???
Arno - Was I eating popcorn!
oops&whammy - Arnold, we really missed you all in NC this year!!!! Hope we will be on the next tour list......and of course we would LOVE to see you on tour here with your new CD!!
Goldie - Arnold! Everyone at JTO is dying to know what the hidden meaning of the fish hanging over the stage is??? Please do tell!!!
jazzcat - is JT really scared of flying?????///
GAIA - Arnold what happens with the flowers that are given on stage. I mean after the show is over?
Lil - Arnold, do you know if Jt (and you, of course) are coming to BRAZIL?????
Sweet Baby A - What's everyone's fav. JT song?
TJ - big Indians fan here, Arnold...and you? :O)
lyrical - do you guys ever log on and read what we say in here?
KarenC - How did Clifford Carter really break his toe?
Arno - My current fav is Rufus Wainwright
Luke - Arnold, you and James have played a few dates at the Molson Amphitheatre in Toronto Canada... I think next time you come you should try booking Massey Hall instead. It's over 100 years old, in great shape, and the acoustics in there would be AMAZING for one of your shows!
Joel - There's a max of 50 users, folks. You might automatically lose your spot. Just come back when the program lets you
ANGELFACE - another popcorn lover? and you sing too? i am in loooooooove!!!
Donna - logged on - Mon Aug 24 9:55pm ET 1cust2.tnt4.lax3.da.uu.net using Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 4.01; MSN 2.5; Windows 95)
Hank - logged off - Mon Aug 24 9:55pm ET using Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 4.01; Windows 95)
Arno - Clifford ran into Val late for the show
ferg - sweetbaby: I will Follow
jazzcat - up on the roof and you've got a friend
Sweet Baby A - Our 8th grade dance theme was Fire and Rain
oops&whammy - Great Q Golden One!!!!
Hank - logged on - Mon Aug 24 9:56pm ET using Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 4.01; Windows 95)
Kata - What is it like working with JT?
c0l0nel - logged off - Mon Aug 24 9:56pm ET host-209-214-36-148.mco.bellsouth.net using Mozilla/2.0 (compatible; MSIE 3.02; Update a; AK; Windows 95)
lilcardinal - Well.. mine was "Fire & Rain" until I heard Arnold do his "let it Rain" solo at the end of "Shower the people".. LOL..
SuperD - Arnold, how did the extended ending of Shower the People come about...plan or chance?
Julie - Have you done any songwriting or who writes with/for you?
Mona - What is the meaning of the FISH????
Arno - All lovely songs, but what about secret of life?
Amatoria - Could you tell us about your live band? Are they also on your album or is that a totally different mob?
Lil - Please, Arnold, come back to Brazil! I saw you in Rio last time! Tell us some about this show, did you enjoy it?
Roo - logged on - Mon Aug 24 9:57pm ET cr143615-a.ktchnr1.on.wave.home.com using Mozilla/4.05 [en] (WinNT; I)
lilcardinal - Kind of a soul stirring soaring talent you have, sir..
Sunnie - Arnold, am I right in thinking that you have been singing with James since Dad Loves His Work album or before?
tim west - Arnold,,, you have a wonderful voice ! you will do well ! believe me !
Hank - logged off - Mon Aug 24 9:57pm ET using Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 4.01; Windows 95)
Brownie - logged on - Mon Aug 24 9:57pm ET dyn10.cas1.elkton.md.us.crosslink.net using Mozilla/2.0 (compatible; MSIE 3.01; Windows 95)
Tracy - I really don't remember! I saw you sitting with David under an awning by the truck on the sidewalk and I walked and I did a double take and said "Hey Dad that's Arnold!" it was a shock to actually see you guyz personally! My Dad thinks it was a once in a lifetime deal but I really hope it wasn't b/c that was awesome meeting you after the show! I hope you guys play the Beacon more often, we see you every year, this year we saw you twice, we were all the way up at the Top row in the new section of the Jones Beach theatre!
secret - remember Stanley Theater in Utica, N,Y. about 15 years ago?
Kasa - Secret of life is my fav too, Arno!
Goldie - Arnold! JTO'ers must know!!!! What's the meaning of the fish hanging over the stage at each show?????? :o)
albie - anyway to get the old album?
Emily - Arnold..how did the Mad About You theme music come about?
jazzcat - we need a tour in the carolinas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Diane - Secret of Life is great!!!
Lil - Secret of life is coming back to Rio!
bassman - Hi Roo.
Donna Lantello - logged on - Mon Aug 24 9:58pm ET 1cust2.tnt4.lax3.da.uu.net using Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 4.01; MSN 2.5; Windows 95)
lorraine - and do you have any plans of not continuing to sing with JT??
Arno - The fish is something we stole from the squibknocket video shoot. It was in the Hammer barn set
clyer - Arnold> did your feel comfortable in Mexico, I was there last friday, AND LOVED IT!!!!
SuperD - Didn
Rob - Arnold, How often and long do you have to rest your voice?
Kata - ferg, you are not on the pm list.
lorraine - did the fish go to Mexico too??
ggreen51 - logged on - Mon Aug 24 9:58pm ET spider-wb064.proxy.aol.com using Mozilla/2.0 (compatible; MSIE 3.02; Update a; AOL 3.0; Windows 95)
tim west - we need a tour in Guadalajara Mexico
Arno - I only sang bgs on Mad about you and I got the job through Don Was
Goldie - Yea!!!!!!!!!!! Another JTO mystery solved!!! Too funny! Thanks!
Sweet Baby A - logged off - Mon Aug 24 9:58pm ET spider-tq032.proxy.aol.com using Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 4.01; AOL 4.0; Windows 98)
secret - logged on - Mon Aug 24 9:58pm ET using Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 4.01; Windows 98)
jan - logged on - Mon Aug 24 9:58pm ET anc-p45-69.alaska.net using Mozilla/3.01C-KIT (Win95; U)
KarenC - You looked wonderful in Las Vegas in those striped pants. The whole band was dressed to kill.
Tracy - We look at the fish at every concert!
tim west - hey clyer ! i was in mexico also lastfri day, write me later ok? my email is : twest@vianet.com.mx
Arno - Doc says voice rest a couple of hours twice a day before singing and a good nights sleep
BrentfromAL - logged off - Mon Aug 24 9:59pm ET ts2p10.ro.com using Mozilla/4.04 [en] (Win95; U)
Tracy - I mean for the fish!
Amatoria - Tell us about your live band?
Don - Arnold: Is there a musical artist with whom you would particularly like to collaborate?
Kasa - Are you planning to tour out east, Arnold?
JusTom - logged on - Mon Aug 24 10:00pm ET wbpxy01.ne.mediaone.net using Mozilla/4.01 [en]C-MOENE (Win95; U)
Kata - What's it like working with James?
Arno - I love all stripes!!
TJ - Arnold...did you receive the web addy i sent you for a possible venue to play in OHio?
albie - so does "mexico" go over much better IN mexico?
Tee - So what was the story behind the shoes in Vegas?
Sunnie - Did you like working with Miss Baker on tour many years ago?
clyer - I didn't see the fish in Mexico...
Juliann - logged on - Mon Aug 24 10:00pm ET vict-03-12.dialup.winco.net using Mozilla/2.0 (compatible; MSIE 3.0; Windows 95)
ANGELFACE - arnold - i hope you have taken the evelyn woods , speed-reading course! poor guy:-)
BrentfromAL - logged on - Mon Aug 24 10:00pm ET ts2p10.ro.com using Mozilla/4.04 [en] (Win95; U)
Goldie - How 'bout solving another mystery? Have you ever heard of the "Trouser Club"???? he he he
Joel - Hold your question as long as you can, folks. He can't answer ten at once
Brownie - Shower the People solo - awesome part of every JT concert I've been to - thanks
Arno - Tell me wher to come, leave on the sight and I'll try to make it everywhere. I've got a great band
jazzcat - Arnold who is your favorite singer?????? who did you look up to when you got started
jan - hi arnold. i saw the shows at shoreline and universal...my daughter loves your singing!
Lil - arnold!!!!!!!!!!! tell us about the tour in rio, brazil! are you coming back?
willow - hehehehe goldie
Arno - We didn't have our gear in Mex
JusTom - Arnold.....Thanks for being you!!!!!
Don - Arnold: why can't you answer ten questions @ once?? :)
ferg - Arnold, I played your CD during child birth...THANK YOU!!!
KarenC - Would you care to perform at astroarena in houston?
Tracy - We want more Arnie solos! The "Shower The People" solo was awesome!
Arno - I was in rock in rio and I'd love to go back. Phil was going but the deal fell through
jazzcat - Myrtle beach, south carolina would be a nice place to sing arnold
bassman - With all these people in here, I just might not sleep from amazement of the numbers.
clyer - We liked it and ENJOYED IT a lot anyway!!!
Tasha - Arnold, when I talked to JT this summer he says he rarely uses the Net, is this the case, and is he aware of this site?
Arno - You are truly welcome. Who else would I be?
jan - do you have any news about rosemary butler, another of jt's great backups?
lyrical - Try Dayton OHio --Fraze pavillion--you had a beautiful coolnight and it was so fantastic--please come and see us again
Arno - I'm sure as long as Joel is around ther will be more of these
Lil - What do I have to do to have you all back herre in Rio??? I saw you in Rock in Rio, want to see you again!!!!
Sunnie - I got your CD by ordering online., loved it...come back to So. Fl. this time with your band...any chance you'll get down to Delray Beach?
ggreen51 - hi what's happening?
SuperD - Concert in Nebraska, Arnold...Orpheum Theater in Omaha
gin - logged on
Tee - When are they going to air the phil Collins Live by request?
Diane - Charlotte, NC would be a good place to stop too!!
Eric - Hey Arnold, what do you miss the most while on the road?.....
jazzcat - YES!!! does JT know of this site???
Kathleen - logged on - Mon Aug 24 10:03pm ET using Mozilla/3.0 (Win95; U)
jan - come sing in alaska, arnold...but do vcome in the summer, for a daylight middnite show!
Arno - Rose is doing fine here in la teaching voice and doing sessions
oops&whammy - Arnold, do you hang out with James while on tour? What do you guys do during the off hours?
bassman - Does anyone have a horse I can ride?
jazzcat - Charlotte north carolina would be perfect!!
SuperD - Or Westfair under the stars, right outside Omaha
Juliann - love your beautiful voice!!!...would love to hear you live in the Midwest!!!!
Arno - Yes James knows but he doesn't do computers, We bought him one with Don G years ago
ggreen51 - In 1977, do you remember singing back ground on Denny Greene's album ? That's my brother the guy from Sha Na Na
lyrical - do you guys ever log in under an assumed name?
lilcardinal - no, bassman.. too bad you don't have wings
ej - logged on - Mon Aug 24 10:05pm ET proxy2.srst1.fl.home.com using Mozilla/4.02 [en]C-AtHome0402 (Win95; U)
Kathleen - There aren't many places in South Dakota to appear, Arnold, but if you do, I'll find a way to get there
mona - logged on - Mon Aug 24 10:05pm ET spider-tj051.proxy.aol.com using Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 4.01; AOL 4.0; Windows 98)
Arno - JT and I are best friends on the road We work out together and have many heart felt conversations that keep us both sane
bassman - OK. Just Wondering.
jazzcat - Arnld who is Chris?? you mentioned he had to work tonight......
ferg - Arnold, How 'bout the Mann in Philly
Donna - logged on - Mon Aug 24 10:06pm ET 1cust2.tnt4.lax3.da.uu.net using Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 4.01; MSN 2.5; Windows 95)
ferg - Arnold, How 'bout the Mann in Philly
Tracy - So Arnold, there are no tours set for next year?
Arno - Chris is my mate!
Luke - Arnold, next time you're in Toronto, try booking Massey Hall instead of the Molson Amphitheatre-- its a great old building and you and the band will love the acoustics there!
SuperD - logged off - Mon Aug 24 10:06pm ET cras21p42.navix.net using Mozilla/2.02 (Macintosh; I; 68K)
frets - logged on
Brownie - JT is a lucky man to have a best friend like you
GoldieHeartattck! - logged on - Mon Aug 24 10:06pm ET polport10.pitton.com using Mozilla/4.04 (Macintosh; I; 68K)
Roo:oŢ - logged on - Mon Aug 24 10:06pm ET cr143615-a.ktchnr1.on.wave.home.com using Mozilla/4.05 [en] (WinNT; I)
bajamike - Arnold do you like to bet the ponys at Del Mar ???
bassman - Good night everyone.......Big day for me tomorrow.
Juliann - Arno...has Jimmy Johnson ever mentioned releasing another CD with the BB's
Arno - Michael I don't know about Rosa but last I heard she was still holding on
gin - I always dreamed of singing with jt and back-up. i'm an alto - really blend in great!
mika - logged on - Mon Aug 24 10:07pm ET using Mozilla/4.03 [en] (Win95; I ;Nav)
oops&whammy - <font size=5> That's really nice to hear, Arnold</font>
Kasa - Arnold, does James wear the same blue shirt and bro
Arno - No ponys Baby
MyWords - Good night, bassman.
lilcardinal - bye, bass!
bassman - logged off - Mon Aug 24 10:07pm ET ns.cdrummond.qc.ca using Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 4.01; Windows 95)
albie - what do you do to relax?
Lil - Arnold... Is JT in love? Is Cris jealous of you with HIM on the road???
Arno - Yes and that shirt gets mighty funky!!
gin - logged on - Mon Aug 24 10:08pm ET spider-tq053.proxy.aol.com using Mozilla/2.0 (compatible; MSIE 2.1; AOL 3.0; Mac_PPC)
Kasa - Arnold, does James wear the same blue shirt and brown pants every concert or does he have 50 of the same ??
Kata - What is the best word to describe James?
GoldieHeartattck! - Whew! Got booted and was afraid I wouldn't get back on! Come to KANSAS Arnold! How about Kansas University? Do you ever do shows at colleges?
jan - seriously think about a show in the last frontier...there is a bluegrass show in talkeetna every year, and since james did the one in telluride.......we'd love to see him here!
Don - Do Atlanta. Seriously.
cs - logged on - Mon Aug 24 10:08pm ET spider-wb084.proxy.aol.com using Mozilla/2.0 (compatible; MSIE 3.02; AOL 4.0; Windows 95)
BrentfromAL - Good question, Kasa...ha ha ha
Juliann - lol@Arno (shirt)
Arno - Chris is great and joins us sometimes. James has a greatg girl now. That's all I'll say
who - logged on - Mon Aug 24 10:09pm ET m182.haygroup.com using Mozilla/2.0 (compatible; MSIE 3.0; Windows 95)
Lil - ... Cause I'm jealous of you two... Its a pitty I can't sing like you!
Kasa - I bet, Arnold. The shirt probably can walk on stage by itself by now! :-)
albie - do you have any superstitions?
Donna - logged on - Mon Aug 24 10:09pm ET 1cust2.tnt4.lax3.da.uu.net using Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 4.01; MSN 2.5; Windows 95)
Brownie - What's your favorite JT tune ?
mona - Great Question KASA!!!
Squibnocke - logged on - Mon Aug 24 10:09pm ET spider-we044.proxy.aol.com using Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 4.01; AOL 3.0; Windows 98)
Kata - What is the best word that describes James?
Sunnie - I'm a great girl Arnold....LOL
Arno - Do where in Atlanta? Leave it on the sight. LeAVE names of places please!
secret - is russ kunkel back in the picture now?
KarenC - what is your favorite and least favorite towns to play in?
cs - logged off - Mon Aug 24 10:10pm ET spider-wb084.proxy.aol.com using Mozilla/2.0 (compatible; MSIE 3.02; AOL 4.0; Windows 95)
Arno - No superstitions
Joni M - logged on - Mon Aug 24 10:10pm ET spider-tq041.proxy.aol.com using Mozilla/2.0 (compatible; MSIE 3.02; AOL 3.0; Windows 95)
Lisa - logged on - Mon Aug 24 10:10pm ET ecr.net using Mozilla/3.0C-nnie30 (Win95; U)
ej - logged on - Mon Aug 24 10:10pm ET proxy1.srst1.fl.home.com using Mozilla/4.02 [en]C-AtHome0402 (Win95; U)
Don - Do you know what's behind the "Frozen Man" song..... kinda reminds me of a short lived TV series...
Rob - Arnold, Spend a moment, every day thinking of someone t o love. Goodnight, goodluck, treasure life. Rob
jazzcat - JT has a great girl????? a lucky GIRL!!!!!
GoldieHeartattck! - Arnold, who was the coolest person that you got to meet while on the Hourglass tour?
GAIA - anold what happens with the flowers that are given on stage, i mean after the show?
Tolk - logged on - Mon Aug 24 10:11pm ET 202-30-134.ipt.aol.com using Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 4.01; Windows 98)
BIRD - logged on - Mon Aug 24 10:11pm ET 173-157-157.ipt.aol.com using Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 4.01; Windows 98)
Emily - Arnold..i saw ya'll at the Jazz Fest in New Orleans in '97..did you get to check out any other performances while you were there?
Arno - Russ is back with a vingance
mika - actually, the Molson's ampitheatre wasn't bad
oops&whammy - Memoial Auditorium, Raleigh, NC...great venue for Arnold!!!!!
Lil - Did James like the time you spent in Rio? Why doesn't he come back?????
jan - what's up with kootch, arnold? i know he's been playing with everyone fdrom jackson browne to csn, but anything recent??
MyWords - Hey, Tolk, welcome to the festivities!
Sunnie - You've sang with the best. Who is tops on your list (besides JT) that you enjoyed working qwith the best?
albie - was "hourglass" the most enjoyable to record?
tim west - gotta go arnold, really great concert in mexico, hope to see you soon again !
Joni M - logged off - Mon Aug 24 10:11pm ET spider-tq041.proxy.aol.com using Mozilla/2.0 (compatible; MSIE 3.02; AOL 3.0; Windows 95)
BIRD - how is kate
Juliann - does this mean..Jan will be his roadie again haha
Don - I will leave several Atlanta area venues with Joel. You won't be sorry.....!!!!
Arno - I loved the Jazzfest!! I went to the gospel tent of course
Kaz - logged on - Mon Aug 24 10:12pm ET fpr-56144.forprod.csiro.au using Mozilla/4.04 [en] (WinNT; I)
secret - and what is rosemary butler doing now?
Joel - Send venue ideas via email, folks. Arnold's email address is on his web site
Arno - Hourglass was great but all of his records were great to sing on
lorraine - and several Oregon ones on your site too, pick one, any one!!
Joel - www.arnoldmcculler.com
Tolk - thanks MyWords...looks like quite the crowd...hey there Arno
ANGELFACE - arnold- you love my boss?:-) wonderful!!!
ej - Arno, Did you study voice? Where?
chanson - logged on - Mon Aug 24 10:13pm ET spider-tm031.proxy.aol.com using Mozilla/2.0 (compatible; MSIE 3.0; AOL 4.0; Windows 95)
MyWords - It's an honest-to-gosh, genuine hoo-hah, Tolk!
Dave - logged on - Mon Aug 24 10:13pm ET using Mozilla/4.05 [en] (Win95; I)
Juliann - did you grow up singing gospel....?...with a voice like yours wow!!!!!
salamander - logged on - Mon Aug 24 10:13pm ET spider-ta011.proxy.aol.com using Mozilla/2.0 (compatible; MSIE 3.02; AOL 3.0; Windows 95)
Tracy - Arnold, I don't know if this question was asked yet, but what is your favorite song to play with JT?
Kaz - Arnold-the promoters here in Australia have JT on tour here soon - do you know anything? If there is, hope you make it down under with the band..
albie - did you ever meet livingston?
Lil - Can you sing Lonesome Road for us??? Hehehe! I love it!
lilcardinal - thinking that Don and I should combine our efforts to get him in the Southeast... we're honestly not backward anymore, Arnold... we now have Steve Winwood, Peter Frampton, Michael MacDonald, and other older rockers living here in the Nashville area. We'd love to have you!
Kata - logged on - Mon Aug 24 10:14pm ET pm1-34.cococo.net using Mozilla/4.03 [en] (Win95; I)
Kata - got booted sorry
Arno - Sorry bird kate is great and I'll see her at my b'day dinner Weds
ferg - logged on - Mon Aug 24 10:14pm ET spider-ta024.proxy.aol.com using Mozilla/2.0 (compatible; MSIE 3.02; AOL 4.0; Windows 95)
salamander - hey arnold, jones beach was great
Luke - Arnold, how did you first get started as a performer?
lyrical - it sounds like Arnold got most of his training in church--right?
ferg - Happy Birthday Arnold!
moo - logged on - Mon Aug 24 10:14pm ET using Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 4.01; Windows 98)
GoldieHeartattck! - Happy Birthday!!!
oops&whammy - Happy B-day!
bajamike - happy b-day
Amatoria - Hope you'll have a great party!
who - <big><big>Happy Birthday Arnold!</big></big>
Eric - Happy Birthday, Arnold!!!!
Arno - My fav jt song is secret of life and I love singing fool to care this tour. That stuff changes all the time
willow - happy birthday arnold, mine is on friday
Kasa - Wednesday, huh. Can we join ya'll??
jan - big question, arnold..you guys look like you are having fun...are you really, or just foolin us?
Arno - Thanks I love that!!
MyWords - 49 occupants in the room!!
moo - Whoa! A James Taylor chat room
Juliann - 29?
GAIA - We have 48 people in here, nice fit>
Lil - Happy birthday, Arnold! Feliz Aniversário (this is in portuguese!)
Lisa - Happy B-day-to-be, Arnold. You're sure blessed with a soulful set of pipes!
Dave - logged on - Mon Aug 24 10:15pm ET using Mozilla/4.05 [en] (Win95; I)
Sunnie - happy birthday arnold...how many candles on the cake?
Kathleen - Thanks for coming, Arnold. we really appreciate it. Have a happy birthday
lilcardinal - Whoa... a cow!
Tracy - Arnold, where were your favorite places to play this year?
aj - logged on
KarenC - How old will you be Arnold?
Kasa - I've heard Kate on several Lee Rittenour CD's. She does a great job!
lorraine - how about "mighty storm"...you seem to have fun with that one too!
Kaz - Arno, why doesn't JT sing SLOW BURNING LOVE (such a great song)?
Kathleen - logged off - Mon Aug 24 10:16pm ET using Mozilla/3.0 (Win95; U)
Kata - welcome moo
PHIL/BRAZIL - logged on - Mon Aug 24 10:16pm ET aimeudeus.openlink.com.br using Mozilla/2.0 (compatible; MSIE 3.01; Windows 95)
aj - Room for one MORE fan?
chanson - Arnold? You LOOKED at me wierd when I was dancing to JUMP UP BEHIND ME at the Newport JAZZ Festival!!! Is that not a song to dance to?
gin - logged off - Mon Aug 24 10:16pm ET spider-tq053.proxy.aol.com using Mozilla/2.0 (compatible; MSIE 2.1; AOL 3.0; Mac_PPC)
mika - moo-I know, it's wild..... never been in here before
Amatoria - Might have thought by now "Isn't It Nice To Be Home Again" might be a fav..=)
Arno - My vocal training varys from church to classical but my voice opens up most and best with the gospel stuff
moo - mooooooo
salamander - arnold, how long have you been w/jt?
Dave - logged off - Mon Aug 24 10:16pm ET using Mozilla/4.05 [en] (Win95; I)
Diane - happy birthday, arnold!!!
clyer - Arnold> can you tell me how did you feel in Mexico, please? enjoyed the audience?
Tasha - Hi Kathleen, great to finally see a picture of you!!!!
Joel - There are many more than 50 people watching the chat, folks. Only 50 can actually log on at a time, though
secret - welcome back bootees!!!
Arno - I'll be 40 something. Period
moo - I used to party with Carlos Vega in North Hollywood
ferg - jumpup is a great tune to dance to!
Rob - logged off - Mon Aug 24 10:17pm ET using Mozilla/3.01 (Win95; I)
Don - Have you sung the National Anthem in a public forum, such as at a baseball game?
gin - this is "live chat" with everyone EXCEPT arnold! He doesn't get a word in!
bajamike - Best wishes to you Arnold,i hope you get lots of air time on the new lp
gin - logged off - Mon Aug 24 10:17pm ET spider-tq053.proxy.aol.com using Mozilla/2.0 (compatible; MSIE 2.1; AOL 3.0; Mac_PPC)
PHIL/BRAZIL - hey, arnold i remember your performance in Brazil.
Squibnocke - When do we get to see a pic of Joel?!
Arno - Mexico audience was great but I couldn't reach you!
lorraine - Good age arnold!!!!! Happy birthday!!
milwaukeebob - logged on - Mon Aug 24 10:17pm ET harconia-1-133.mdm.mke.execpc.com using Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 4.0; Windows 95; Gateway2000)
oops&whammy - Arnold, have done or are you thinking of doing a gospel album???
Dave - logged off - Mon Aug 24 10:17pm ET using Mozilla/4.05 [en] (Win95; I)
mika - i bet he's typing as fast as he can lol
leelee - logged on - Mon Aug 24 10:17pm ET verfl2-83.gate.net using Mozilla/3.03Gold (Win95; I)
kate - yea you guys let the man answer some questions
Arno - Who is bootees?
Lisa - LIFE BEGINS AT 40 :o)
Amatoria - Arnold, who would you like to sing with who'snever asked you to so far?
ferg - great question don
leelee - Hi Arnold!
lyrical - ah wonderful! someone i my age group!
jan - shall we all sing ? a good age, arnold. happy 40something!
Joel - See my home page, Squibnocke
albie - do you do the same set at EVERY venue?
ferg - Arnold, any pland for a National Anthem anywhere?
Arno - I love God and He seems to be quite fond of me
GoldieHeartattck! - Wow Don!!! I'd love to see Arnold belt out the National Anthem!!!!!!! Have you ever done that at a ballgame Arnold?
gin - logged off - Mon Aug 24 10:18pm ET spider-tq053.proxy.aol.com using Mozilla/2.0 (compatible; MSIE 2.1; AOL 3.0; Mac_PPC)
Squibnocke - Thanks Joel!
Don - thanks, ferg. He has the range...
MyWords - Bootees are people that have been booted off from chat, Arnold.
ferg - like maybe the World Series???
Arno - I'd love to sing with Rufus Wainwright
clyer - Thanks Arnold we'll be happy for you all to come back!!
Lil - Hy Phil!!! Eu também sou do Brazil!!!
mika - I've only been able to see the PBS show from Boston..... will there or are there any more?
lilcardinal - Yeah.. I can hear that in your voice, Arnold... it gives me those "gospel" chillbumps.. a very spiritual experience.
Roo:oŢ - logged off - Mon Aug 24 10:19pm ET cr143615-a.ktchnr1.on.wave.home.com using Mozilla/4.05 [en] (WinNT; I)
secret - the wonderful 40's....many more my friend
Kata - BOOTEES are those who get booted out from time to time.
Arno - I haven't done the anthem in a while but I do a mean one
salamander - tell jt salamander sends his regards, from valhalla,ny,thanks
Amatoria - And what musician would you love to be featured on your album?
ej - Hey, Joel, Great website. What state do you hail from?
danbo - logged on - Mon Aug 24 10:20pm ET yellow.javanet.com using Mozilla/3.01C-KIT (Win95; U)
albie - who else do you want to sing with?
chanson - Arnold can you do it for us NOW?
Joel - I'm in Los Angeles, aj
lyrical - good idea Goldie!
jan - how about the anthem at an anchorage aces hockey game...hehe
Joel - ej, that is
Don - Yep; the World Series with the Atlanta Braves and the New York Yankees. 1998. Go for it, Arnold!
Arkie - logged on - Mon Aug 24 10:20pm ET 52.dallas-10.tx.dial-access.att.net using Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 4.01; Windows 95)
Tracy - mika: Yes the other night PBS showed JT's show from the Beacon Theatre in New York, I watched it and I also have it on tape!
echo - <font size = 7> You're the best Arnold, thanks for being here tonight!
Arno - I just did I believe I can Fly for Dori Cayammi My Father in LA
lilcardinal - pulling the size 12 Dan Post from her tailfeathers.. youch.
BrentfromAL - logged off - Mon Aug 24 10:21pm ET ts2p10.ro.com using Mozilla/4.04 [en] (Win95; U)
Joel - Arnold is in the L.A. area, too, but we're in different places. The wonder of the Internet
lilcardinal - wow.. now that's one I'd love to hear you do!
ferg - someone in here must have a world series anthem connection... PLEASE
GoldieHeartattck! - Oooooowwwww! I'll be you do! How 'bout putting the National Anthem on your new album????? Gives me chillbumps just thinking about it!!! lol
Squibnocke - and thanks Joel, for keeping us updated with all the e-mails...
kath - logged off - Mon Aug 24 10:21pm ET pm30-5-07.misslink.net using Mozilla/4.05 [en] (Win95; I ;Nav)
Arno - AJ is that you?
BrentfromAL - logged on - Mon Aug 24 10:21pm ET ts2p10.ro.com using Mozilla/4.04 [en] (Win95; U)
chanson - so arnold... should we not dance to jump up behind me??????
Arkie - Greetings!!!
mika - Tracy- *sigh* and me with a brand new satellite dish, how the heck did I miss that
Don - I have an "in" to Ted Turner......
Arno - Dance ya'll Always dance!!!!
lilcardinal - do you do "the Elaine dance", chanson?
Arnold's fan - logged on - Mon Aug 24 10:22pm ET 1cust212.tnt19.lax3.da.uu.net using Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 4.01; Windows 98)
ferg - we should dance to jump up..!
who - logged on - Mon Aug 24 10:22pm ET m182.haygroup.com using Mozilla/2.0 (compatible; MSIE 3.0; Windows 95)
Lil - Arnold, do you sing any JT's songs in your new album? Do you know Tom Jobim's songs from Brazil? Why don't you sing one in your new album and come here to promote the album???
JusTom - gotta go, thanks for coming Arno, and thanks for the enjoyment we all have listening to your blessed voice!!!!!!!!!
salamander - goodnite everyone, salamander diving......
BrentfromAL - Arnold, loved you in Nashville. Any advice on living your dreams??
lilcardinal - evening, Arkie.. how the heck are you?
Arnold's fan - am I late???
Amatoria - Are you a good dancer,Arnold?
Kasa - Nite, tom!
ej - Where & when did Arno meet JT?
joslyn - logged on - Mon Aug 24 10:23pm ET ppp13.nb1.usu.edu using Mozilla/4.05 [en] (Win95; I)
chanson - Then WHY the LOOK... I started a few folks danicing and you looked at me... LIKE!!! WHAT R U DOING!!!
oops&whammy - night Tom!!!!
ferg - Way to go DON!
Arno - Good enough
KarenC - I work for a first place national league baseball team and could probably pull some connections if we make it into the world series
MyWords - Goodnight, JusTom!
Diane - good night Tom!!
joslyn - hi arnold! loved you at the pocatello show!!
Arno - Dear friend, never too late
Arkie - Well, HEY lilcardinal!! I'm peachy...and you?
frets - nite tom...
leelee - Arnold is the BEST dancer!
Tracy - mika: Hopefully it will be on again, It was a great show, I was there, Arnold sang "like an angel" as a woman put it and I think that was the best term to describe his singin that night!
ValandPhel - logged on - Mon Aug 24 10:23pm ET using Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 4.01; Windows 95)
Tolk - Fan...Joel says there will be a transscript..I missed the begining too
JusTom - nite folks....
joslyn - and the salt lake show!
Don - Thanks, ferg! Karen C; who be that??
ferg - Who KAren?
Lisa - Arnold, what warms a performer's heart the most from the audience? Dancing? Standing O? Clapping or singing along with y'all?
Lil - What's your favorite food? And JT's favorite food?
JusTom - logged off - Mon Aug 24 10:24pm ET wbpxy01.ne.mediaone.net using Mozilla/4.01 [en]C-MOENE (Win95; U)
Arkie - Hey Oops & whammy!!
jan - arnold...i bet you have watched ben grow up...how was it to start singing with him, and watch his talents develop??
ValandPhel - Just wanted to say hello to everyone!
PHIL/BRAZIL - hey arnold, your performance in shower the people in the live CD is great !
Arno - I could do the series but would they have me?
Arnold's fan - Arnorld, how was the show in Mexico?
Wojo - logged on - Mon Aug 24 10:24pm ET r3ad53.in-tch.com using Mozilla/2.0 (compatible; MSIE 3.02; Windows 95)
ferg - I work for the Phillies, so no chance of an Anthen here...
Arno - The combo of it all baby
kate - chanson just be glad he looked at you !!!!!!!!
Kasa - Maybe it was the WAY you were dancing,
Brownie - Your singing would be better than the game anyday !!!
secret - how do you like the lawn at saratoga?
ValandPhel - Oops and Whammy, why aren't you getting ready for the hurricane?
Luke - Arnold, what do you think is the best way to start a musical career?
Amatoria - =) I've got to go to bed, (typing with my nose by now) I'll drop you an email...thanx for love and music!
Arno - Thanks Phil
KarenC - the houston astros
lilcardinal - Oh.. can't complain.. can't complain.. "handing Arkie a tall cold glass of iced fruit tea and patting a seat on the front porch swing"
ferg - but we would have you Arnold! :-)
GoldieHeartattck! - We'd petition them on your behalf Arnold!!!! lol
jan - sally too, of course
Kata - WILLOW, did you get my pm?
LilWhBellyLover - logged on - Mon Aug 24 10:25pm ET 52.lib.elmhurst.edu using Mozilla/4.05 [en] (WinNT; I)
Hb - Was anything different done for JT live ?
Don - Arnold: Remember; Tom Arnold's ex tried it once. I don't think you'd have a problem......!!
Arno - MY fav food is Yams JT loves good meat and sweets
Lisa - Gotcha!
Juliann - how long did it take to do the squibknocket video....??
Amatoria - logged off - Mon Aug 24 10:25pm ET fwd10.btx.dtag.de using Mozilla/3.01 [de]-C-DT (Macintosh; I; PPC)
lorraine - logged on - Mon Aug 24 10:26pm ET 167-66-97.ipt.aol.com using Mozilla/4.05 [en] (Win95; I)
mika - Tracey B-( I'll probably have to wait until they go into fundraising time before they'll air it again..... But now I know to watch for it. :-)
willow - no kata, send it again
Wojo - Arnold, I'm new at this...my wife and I just saw you at the Gorge for the second time. You're voice is exceptional.
Arkie - lilcardinal, that sounds perfect! Where are ya?
joslyn - are you interested in a backup singer for yourself, arnold?
oops&whammy - .Sweet Potato Pie...Arnold???
albie - arnold, i am outta here... thank you for everything... it was truly an experience!
Sunnie - What's your & JT's work out routine like?
Don - Okay then; the Braves & Astros and Arnold!
Arno - The video took two days
Eric - Arnold, you gotta try the Japanese Purple Yams....they are excellent!
Lil - Arnold, is JT doing a new album?
MyWords - Hey, oops&whammy!
willow - magic of the net arnold, you're singing right now in my living room
Kasa - sounds like a plan, Don!
mona - Yeh for Sweet Potatoe Pie!!!!
oops&whammy - Hey MW!
lilcardinal - Town of Twangitude.. home of big hair, teleevangilists, and doublewides.. where every baby is born holding a musical instrument.. unfortunately, for Momma.. I'm a pianist.. LOL
Tracy - mika: Maybe Joel will know when it is airing next!
ferg - logged on - Mon Aug 24 10:27pm ET spider-ta024.proxy.aol.com using Mozilla/2.0 (compatible; MSIE 3.02; AOL 4.0; Windows 95)
BrentfromAL - Have you ever met a man with a "hangnail"?
GAIA - Good question Lil!!!!!
lilcardinal - <-----------------------------Nashville
Juliann - thats amazing!!!! it was wonderful.....would love to see a video of you and your new CD!
LilWhBellyLover - who? you there? hey Arnold
Lil - Arnold, are we going to have your CD's here in Brazil???
Luke - logged on - Mon Aug 24 10:27pm ET cr660730-a.lndn1.on.wave.home.com using Mozilla/2.0 (compatible; MSIE 3.0; Windows 95)
Tracy - Arnold, Do you like playing in New York?
joslyn - i can sing, i'm serious
Squibnocke - and the ticks must have been hell there, just came back from there...stayed within a stones throw of the practice barn.....
albie - logged off - Mon Aug 24 10:28pm ET 175-132-28.ipt.aol.com using Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 4.0; Windows 95)
Arno - Thanks wojo and good bye to those who have to leave. I've got about 10 mins
who - hi LilWhBellyLover!!! I'm here sweetpants! :o)
ferg - I don't like the braves. is that where you are Don?
Arnold's fan - Arnold, when are you coming to San Diego? How was the concert in Mexico city?
mika - joel? any ideas?
lyrical - the show is a pbs thing--check your local listings!
Diane - good night all! ARnold, it's been a pleasure and look forward to the next gathering!!
chanson - Arnold... Any plans to go to the VINEYARD? SOON!!! ????
Arno - I love playing and being in new york
Arkie - LilCardinal...Why, your just a kissin'cousin, then! Howdy neighbor...=)
joslyn - arnold!! talk to me!!
Wojo - I'm in Montana and haven't seen your disc in any of our limited music stores...can you help??
ferg - Don, where are you?
Don - Sorry, Arnold; you may have been caught on this Anthem thing. Ted Turner's office will be notified tomorrow of your availability. Schedule your flight to Atlanta......
Eric - Bye Arnold....thanks!!!!.......See you later, sir (Joel).....:)
Arno - I'll come to San Diego anytime. Where to play there
Kata - Willow, can't find you on pm list. How is your son doing in college these days.
lilcardinal - No.. don't tell me that, Arkie.. we marry our cousins here.. haven't you heard?
Tracy - That's great Arnold, play here more! My family and I love to see you guys in concert, we try and get to see you every year because you all put on a great show!
Don - ferg: two guesses :)
Juliann - before it gets too crowed here....we just want you to know how much we apprecite you coming in and visiting with us.......we are major Arnold fans here.....thanks
Arno - Jos, what is it?
clyer - I only want to thank you for coming to Mexico City, and hope you'll be here soon again!!!!!
lup - logged on
Joel - Send your venue ideas to Arnold via his web site: www.arnoldmcculler.com
PHIL/BRAZIL - logged on - Mon Aug 24 10:29pm ET aimeudeus.openlink.com.br using Mozilla/2.0 (compatible; MSIE 3.01; Windows 95)
willow - good kata, just page down on the list
pmh - logged on
Juliann - *crowded*
Sunnie - I asked 6 questions with zip answers....Boo-Hoo....I'll bid you goodnight, Mr. Voice of an Angel
Tee - This has been great Thanks for Joining Arnold- by the way ARNO is the name of a south pacific Island Atoll-beautiful place where my dad is from.Goodnight y'all and thanks Joel.
Lil - ARNOLD!!! Is JT doing a new album???
Brownie - Ever been out here to Baltimore to knock em dead ?
lup - hey all
joslyn - thanks arnold
who - bye Arnold!! smooch!!! (that's a kiss)
ferg - Arnold, if the Philadelphia Phillies are in the Series, You can sing at all 7 games. I'll make sure of it.
GoldieHeartattck! - Arnold, I can't wait to see you sing Easy Lover with Phil Collins!!!! What kind of prep will you have to do for the show?
Emily - any plans to come back to New Orleans for the Jazz Fest again?
KarenC - Arnold, my sisters and I think you are the BEST. Thanks for the great memeories at JT concerts
joslyn - i can sing! can i send you a tape or something??
Arno - Never baltimore not since Hair in 72
who - logged off - Mon Aug 24 10:30pm ET m182.haygroup.com using Mozilla/2.0 (compatible; MSIE 3.0; Windows 95)
lilcardinal - Yes, Arnold.. we are fans .. we all love you to pieces.. even if you aren't related to us.. "smiling"
clyer - Joel> Thanks for this opportunity!!! Keep the good work!! Arnold> Take care and God bless you!!
Juliann - please come again......even unannounced...we would love it!!
Arkie - Arnold...I just need to say, 'Thank YOU! and JT" for giving us such wonderful music and "to kill for" concerts! We love you guys in Little Rock, Arkansas...=)
Kasa - Nite all! Arnold I will email you venue info in our area! Thanks!
Wojo - I'll check your website...thanks for the music!! Tell JT I said hi.
secret - wish you godspped and bring the band back east next summer
Don - Is Arnold leaving??
Wojo - logged off - Mon Aug 24 10:31pm ET r3ad53.in-tch.com using Mozilla/2.0 (compatible; MSIE 3.02; Windows 95)
joslyn - I'm really serious!
Lil - Good luck on your new Cd!!! I'll buy it for sure! Kisses from Rio, Brazil
Tee - logged off - Mon Aug 24 10:31pm ET 1cust123.tnt2.beaverton.or.da.uu.net using Mozilla/4.05 (Macintosh; I; PPC)
willow - thanks for the chat ((((((((((((((((arnold))))))))))))))
Arno - Joel thanks and Good Night Folks!!
Don - ferg: are you in Philadelphia?
lup - yeah the little rock concert was good
Brownie - Let's get ya back out here - 26 yrs too long to be away
GoldieHeartattck! - Arnold, torpedo (my 8 year old son) says to tell you that he just loves you!!!!! :o)
oops&whammy - Arnold, does JT write all the harmony parts or is that a collaborative effort?????
Luke - Good night, arno.
MyWords - Good night, Arnold. Good job keeping up!!
joslyn - here's my friend's email address...write if you want to hear my demo tape...SLGQF@cc.usu.com
lilcardinal - Little Rock? .. hearing "Hail to the Cheif" somewhere in the distance..
leelee - Arnold, one day you must take JT by the hand and sit down at the computer and show him this website!
Emily - Nite Arnold...Thanks
aj - Thanks again, Arnold!
Kata - thanx arnold!!!!!
Squibnocke - Kisses from Detroit......
Emily - ewww
Videojohn - logged on - Mon Aug 24 10:32pm ET 204-64-74.ipt.aol.com using Mozilla/2.0 (compatible; MSIE 3.02; Update a; Windows 95)
Don - Fantastic job, as usual, Joel!
lorraine - thank you arnold for all you've given us and for joining us tonight!!
clyer - Good night to you all!1!!
Joel - Goodnight, Arnold. Thanks again for coming. Please come back when you can.