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  • in reply to: Passing of a dear friend #248129

    Oh, how sad. I remember Barbara from the chats although memories begin to fade since it is almost a quarter of a century ago and almost everyone is gone here. My condolences to her family and friends.

    the Netherlands

    in reply to: Anybody from the 1998-2003 era around? #247738

    Hi Ray,

    I am still around but do not visit here much.It was sure fun here back then around 1998 to 2003.

    in reply to: Remembering JTO and its Members #240392

    Well I do remember the name Lyrical, that was a long time ago. I agree it is sad that trolls spoil things. I am not on facebook because in my eyes it is one big commercial scam that got everyone addicted to it. It is like smoking.I still wish there was a JT chatroom somewhere in a corner of the internet. Oh well eventually we all die out and who cares.

    in reply to: Remembering JTO and its Members #238942

    Great that some of us are still here, for me it started more then 20 years ago at the JTO site. Met a few of you in Maine in 1998. Back then I was in my 30ties now I am old …lol
    I also do wish there still was a old fashion chat box here.I miss that chat box and the people. I have no contact anymore with other JTOers. Once in a while I visit here. Sorry to say thais place is also more dead then alive compared to the old days.
    Here starting to get ready for winter and winter camping, living alone so I can go out camping any time my work lets me.


    in reply to: The Importance of JTO #238265

    I stumbled upon JTO in 1997 when I changed jobs from a nucleair power station to go work as a biomedical engineer in a hospital. Great to go study again, pathology, anatomy, physiology and some more ology’s. I got internet at home that year and found my way into the JTO chatroom (well, sometimes at work too). The first album of James Taylor I got years before in 1985, That’s why I am here. For years it was the only album. At that time I was also playing a bit of guitar but 1997 was also a bad year when I almost kicked the bucked ending up with a deaf ear, and broken organ of equilibrium, tinnitus and some more minor defects. So guitar playing and music was off limits for a while. I went with friends to see James in Amsterdam around that time. A year later I met Christine from Canada at the JTO Chat and we began writing and I visited her in Canada in those weeks we had a trip to New Hampshire and went out to dinner with the local JTO gang, Johndoc and others I have to look them up in my photo album to recall all the names. The friendship with Christine did not last, we had big plans. After a while we lost contact. Some years later at the JTO chat I got inot some arguments and they seem to get worse and worse. I do not even remember about what, but I left for many years. And now 20 years have past and not much of the old friends are still here. Been all over the world from Russia to Thailand for fun, friendship and work. Resigned my hospital job and changed to radiotherapy. And still working on my small house that I bought in 1999. Now I am old. That is the short version …. lol.

    in reply to: Past Members: 2001-2005 #237976

    I am also still here. Months fly by. Still missing the old days and past members. Life goes by fast. It is 20 years ago that I came here for the first time in the chat. I was not so much of a forum person.


    in reply to: Johndoc #237230

    My condolences JD, sad the older we get the more dear family and friends we see pass away. but the good memories stay and give us a smile. Glad to hear I am not the only one to miss the old chatroom.


    in reply to: Breast Cancer #237229

    I did not check in for a few weeks. Yes I can understand that chemo and radiation would scare the heck out of you. Myself I would be more worried about chemo then radiation therapy both have there pro’s and con’s.
    Good to hear you had surgery and the cancer is out. Spring is just starting, a good time to pick up life again and leave the worrying behind. Life is fragile and precious.


    in reply to: Breast Cancer #237172

    Hi Barb, sorry to hear about your breast cancer. I guess to hear it is stage one is the best of the worst to hear. I know it is overwhelming the rollercoaster that you just stepped in. Everyone has to cope with it in there own way. Friends and family can be a great help.

    We at our radiotherapy centre try to be a great help to patients too, doctors are always available to answer questions, nurses and radiographers ask during every visit how the patient feels and how there home situation is and if there are questions that can be answered by them, or if they need any help. By the many thank you cards and cakes we get it show there appreciation. Ever returning story is that they found it hard to get the diagnose cancer and the long treatment but the open and friendliness of all the people at the therapy centre made it much easier to cope with and made them feel respected (as it should be). So a patient friendly healthcare centre makes a big difference too, you have to feel comfortable there and respected. Not feeling like a number.

    Don’t get to influenced by horror stories from other or the scary tumor/surgery etc pictures on internet sites. It can make you feel bad and down and scary. Every case is different. I think positive view can also make a difference, something to look forward too. Although you still have to jump on that rollercoaster.
    Here some patients who want it we offer a weekend at a hotel at the beach, to relax. Since we are situated close to the coast that is easy. Just a bit of my bla bla … maybe some of it makes sense, I wrote it from my point of view as a biomedical technologist and lineair accelerator engineer.
    I do not visit here very often, still miss the old chatbox where I first visited in 1997. And the next year met some of the JTO-ers in Portsmouth, New Hampshire.
    I wish you well and hope that you can forget this badness soon and pick up your life.


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