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ParticipantYay, Tee!! Glad you made it to another show,and sweet,sweet time it sounds like,too. Yes, James’s staff works tirelessly.They’re all amazing.
ParticipantHave sooooooooo much fun, and keep in mind, Louisville is only 7 hrs from Memphis,if ya just can’t get enough…..ha!!
ParticipantI hope you both have a lovely trip,Arkie! 5 dates left,and I’m so wishing I could go. Just didn’t look like I could go to any more than the two lovely shows I saw this year (and the one 7/3 I heard from my rental car!)
The only time I regret a JT show is if I miss it……..
ParticipantTee,wish you could find a way to just go. And Tanglewood on the 4th,at the stage,was madness. Cheryl actually got knocked to the floor.
Jenn, needed to comment. Wonder why THEY weren’t up dancing,too?
I will go back again next year because even if you don’t go for a concert,go for the scenery. SO pretty.
ParticipantI don’t know where you were sitting,Jenn,but I was surrounded by really nice people.The “low energy” might be more of a “Class” thing.Or the fact that the Grey Haired Club x 10k was present. Getting up and getting back down is hard on some!!
My only complaint was when the woman next to me and I looked at each other, after glancing behind us. We THOUGHT we heard a child singing offkey and obnoxiously, when ln fact it was a grown-arse drunken woman. We each took turns asking her to not be so loud.She told me to leave and the woman next to me to mind her own business. I have yet to ever drink at a concert.I want to enjoy the music! Oh and the woman about 4 rows up who liked to wave her arms up in the air,regardless of how mellow the tune. But I absolutely loved that I got to go.
ParticipantThere ya go.Sounds alot better than what I was coming up with!
ParticipantPer urban dictionary,DYD stands forv”do your duty”.
ParticipantAnd his dad got away with it too,as he was as gorgeous as his son is.
ParticipantI didn’t even THINK about trying to get past where I stood, maybe 8 ft from James. You’d think once I flagged down security and got guards to lift up those 2 little girls,it would stop. It didn’t. Maybe it’s on a slope,and all of us in our old age tend to gravitate…ha. No, I had no trouble standing still. That’s weird that people complained from the front row,though. Had they not been to a JT show before?
Great night,but I think if James had been standing up to where he could see the childish behavior,he would have walked away and started his 2nd set.Pitiful.
I was pushed by a woman at the stage a few years back in Kansas City.And I pushed her right back where she was! I don’t take that crap.
ParticipantIt was SO SAD.Cheryl was on crutches. I snapped at a man who was about to knock her over,but the whole crowd was pushing. One little boy shoved himself into me, and I firmly told him not to.Teach them when they’re young,or they grow up nasty. I wasn’t being greedy and trying to get an autograph, or time with James. He can vouch for that! I wanted to get a pic for Cheryl w/him. And I did,then I backed away.
I feel like if you’ve had your moment,let someone else have a chance. I have 4 autographs. I stopped then.