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  • in reply to: Hurricane Harvey Benefit Concert in Austin #238249

    ..oh,but WAIT. Look at the scalper sites. And Ebay…and there they all are. People trying to make a buck off a benefit.

    in reply to: Hurricane Harvey Benefit Concert in Austin #238248

    Sold out.

    in reply to: More JT and BR concert adventures – Tour 2017 #238218

    ADD is a rough disorder.Speaking out and THEN thinking about what was said,or seeing the damage it does. I definitely saw the ghosts come out yesterday. Some irritated,some angry,and then ones who blamed me for things I didn’t even do.

    Thankfully, I have a few facebook groups I started 4 years ago, 5000 plus members in one. I help people find vintage campers and trucks,and its fun,and rewarding. I apologize for any discomfort I’ve caused. Not once did I mean harm,and hopefully you all have very rich,and fulfilling lives,and none of this matters.

    in reply to: Hello Again #238217

    Hope there’s more happiness in your life now, Cowgirl.

    in reply to: More JT and BR concert adventures – Tour 2017 #238198

    Atleast the Lamp vs Lamb thread was funny. Still is.

    in reply to: More JT and BR concert adventures – Tour 2017 #238185

    Anyway, Jenn, your earlier comment about a little girl. If you were close enough to me to have felt elbowed, you then also saw me holler to security to help the little girl,about 8, who was crying,get out of the crushing mess of people. She was lifted up on stage then and removed from the chaos. I was a part of that. I tried to help. There was no twisting of words, or story telling. I’m sure if FLEA aka Cheryl can get on today, she was the one who I was trying to help get to her destination.

    in reply to: More JT and BR concert adventures – Tour 2017 #238182

    If I elbowed you in any way,shape,or form,it definitely was not to get to James. I think we all were getting pushed.

    in reply to: More JT and BR concert adventures – Tour 2017 #238180

    What? We handed a girl up on the stage that was being crushed. I did not go to the stage to speak with James.I leaned over onto the stage when Cheryl had me take a pic,and left it up to others to get their moment with James.

    in reply to: More JT and BR concert adventures – Tour 2017 #238177

    No, Jenn, of course not. I know of some pretty sickly people,though,who asked for backstage passes and couldn’t get them. THATS ALL. I just kindly suggested to Tee that she not mention that privilege when others didn’t get it. This post won’t end well, I know. But I’m on my 2nd bout of breast cancer,and still just mowed my own yard,and really didn’t mean to upset anyone. Tee and I are or were facebook friends,so I tactfully just made a suggestion. I did not,however,say anyone was offended. I said so that feelings wouldn’t be hurt,it might not be mentioned. I’m not censoring JTO. Many of you were on here years before me,and at the rate I’m going,will be here long after I’m dead and a pile of ashes.

    in reply to: More JT and BR concert adventures – Tour 2017 #238174

    Tee, to reiterate, I only suggested since you got special priviledges that several people were unable to get this year, it might be best not to mention it. I have no idea who saw it and who didn’t,or that many were offended. That’s not what I said at all. You made a point of bringing up that James mentioned JTOers and asked about them.That was kind of you to post,as was the review.

    Rkiel, I’m not a censor. I’m someone who respects James enough to not post his private financial information on a public forum,and you know this. You’ll always dislike me for that,but oh well. He personally thanked me for sticking up for him on that one.

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