Thanks, Arkie. You’re right. I’m trying to plan my entire spring/summer around the tour,and getting every drop of these concerts I can. I’m sorry,but chemo and radiation are WAY Down on the list of my priorities. They just are.
I went to the surgeon this am. I have STAGE ONE!! No Mastectomy,just lumpectomy. Early detection saved my life. YAY YAY,now back to planning my JT Adventures!!
Stage one. I’ll be road ready April 15,then will come back and deal with the chemo. Happy Dance.
Thank you.My daughter in law is going with me today. I was ok until I started hearing horror stories,and looking at pics. Every case is different,and I have to deal with mine. Do or die. I’m hoping medicine has advanced as it claims.
North of me,there’s a Breast Center in Lee’s Summit,MO through St Lukes Hospital.They deal specifically with this. The surgeon I’m seeing only deals in this,and has been at it for 35 yrs. Just dreading what I’m pretty sure he’s going to say. And I hate that they can’t stage me until AFTER surgery,and after some lymph nodes are removed and tested,to see if it’s spread. Just have to NOT worry til I have a reason to.
Once I get this all going,surgery and chemo planned,then I know when I get to have fun,and go see James. Good news I lost 5 lbs in a week!
Thank you for your support, 3KMom.
Happy to help,Susan. I haven’t talked to Ali in ages,but Coop and I are facebook friends. Martin Cooper.Track him down,and I’m sure he’d find a way for you to talk to Ali. Take care.
That’s what I’m hearing. Stay strong,think positively. Today was my appt with the surgeon. The closer it got to the time to go,the more anxious I got. I cancelled. I know I need to do something soon,but I’m overloaded with stories of chemo,radiation,etc. and I knew it would be 30 minutes of the doc saying all the things he thought should be done,and me just rejecting it all. Some people can fight it. Not sure I can!
Thackerville may be a no-go for me,but there will be plenty in June to go see, AFTER I’m cancer-free.
Thank you, Erik. I’m fighting to get out of the f-it mood,and into the “let the fight begin” mindset. It takes effort!! 3 of my 5 grown kids and 2 of my grandkids spent the afternoon here yesterday, and it helped til they all left. Trying again today!
I think those Spring dates to see James are going to be the biggest motivation. I adore my family, love spending time with them,but I need that dose of James Taylor,too!
This is the 2nd house I painted.
So I went seeking answers,and found out the 2 story farmhouse, shown in “Long Ago and Far Away” was in Carrboro, and the more modernistic style one was in Chapel Hill. Learn something new every day! James and Kate each have a painting I did of the farmhouse,as well as the one the Taylors built.