Music part of the concert was great, as always.Some of the songs were different from the other 2 shows this year,but too tired to go through a list.
Security said,”No signs” I said,”Its a PAINTING”. A few minutes after getting to our seats, Debbie pointed out a kid carrying in a happy birthday sign bigger than my painting. Guess it was the kids’ birthday.
I wanted to hand it to James, but instead, I stood there at the stage at intermission explaining why I couldn’t hand it to him. Oh well. He was so so funny. Called a woman who yelled ” I love you” a something hussy…haha!
HA!! Thanks!! It’s so easy to do. Just paint the backside of wainscoting with white,black and red, and the painting is held in place by the grooves in the wood.Then add a back,and you have a frame.
Thank you. I changed out the border,and added a rose on the stage. I will.
If he does, it would be in 2017, I believe. I didn’t answer because I haven’t heard anything. Hope things are ok across the pond,though. It doesn’t seem to want to link.
Antony, a few years ago, we had this discussion. You might be able to search archives for the answer. Love the caps he wears.
So he started out with “Wandering”,and I knew it was going to be a great show.He also did “Only A Dream In Rio”, one of my top 10 favorites! Seems older age makes me pay more attention,because the words had such a strong meaning, more than ever. Like the line,”Time isn’t really real.”Heard him sing it so many times,but never thought that much about it until last night. It’s something we’ve created,and could just as easily take away.
Every song, I just sat there in amazement at how he can continue to have this beautiful,crisp voice,and acknowledge how perfect the band is,but still be humble. HE is a master at what he does.He deserves the best band,too. He said he was lucky to be signed to Apple.But he deserved it.
Outstanding time in Peoria, IL. Once again,the only time I have regrets is when I DON’T GO!!
I met Sherrie and Paula Hootman. Nice ladies!
I got a cup of coffee and went for a 2 mile drive,across the river to the Civic Center. The rigs are unloading equipment, and a bus was pulled in to the basement garage area. Two more buses were down the road outside their hotel. James Taylor is in town!
I am actually HERE in Peoria now. Nothing going on at home,so figured I’d give myself tomorrow to wander around downtown before the concert.24 hrs to go,and I’ll be finding my seat…good times.