MusEdit Tips

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    I attached a Word document that I created to help make songs with only lyrics and custom chord voicing diagrams. I keep things simple. Check it out and throw me a comment if it helps you.



    Let’s try this again…

    Kendall Miller

    Hi Bat. I’m not exactly a Computer Expert. I tried to download MusEdit from the link you provided and it had me save the file. I opened it in Word (as prompted…I have the 2016 iteration of Word) and it kept generating page after page with garbled letters and squares….I had my wife give it a try and the same thing happened. Do you have a fix, or go around, that might help me to download this program? Thank you for your time!
    I want to use MusEdit to put together a Lyric/Chord transcription for “Love Has Brought Me Around” (since that has not been done accurately on any site that I’ve found….it’s James’ only song in G Tuning). Have you given my tab of “Love Songs” a try?


    Hey Kendall,
    Sorry you are having trouble. If you send me a message through this website, include your email address then I can email you directly. If all else fails, I can burn a CD with the Musedit application and all supporting files. Then mail it to you. Just a thought. I have not played through your Love Songs yet, but I will. traveled alot over Thanksgiving, XMas and New Years.



    I am at work and cannot access my sheet music files. Some time ago I worked out Love Has Brought Me Around by listening to an obscure recording of JT playing it solo for a music workshop. In this version he is in an “open E” tuning. Tune your guitar so it plays an “E” with all strings open. Tuned this way I believe my chord voiceings are really close to what he is playing.

    I will have a look for them and, if possible, see if I can find this live version on YouTube or something.

    See ya,


    I looked over my sheet music and listened to the song again. You DO NOT tune in an open “E” but rather a “dropped D”

    I will need to re-work the chord sheet music. I think I will be able to do a pretty accurate job.

    I will post my NEW chord diagram sheet music as its own topic in here when I am done. So, keep an eye out for it.

    See ya,


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