More JT and BR concert adventures – Tour 2017

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    Tee, I loved your post, don’t let anyone make you feel bad for what you wrote. I’m glad to see that the light is beginning to dawn re certain people on this once-great site. Admin should not delete the thread – let the truth be known and let people make up their own minds.



    The jealousy is very sad. I’ve been through it too. Years and years ago I used to share every detail – every wave, up close photo, hugs, backstage encounter and and KISSES (yup! Hey I was 25 and he never complained!) until the jealousy and questioning and other BS started. Do you stalk him? Ummmm nope I waited by his bus with 10 other people thank you. Did you go through his trash? Nope but I live in the same state as he does so close enough?

    Funny that this all started once a new “sheriff” came to town!


    Goodness. I’m reminded of why I stopped coming here. It’s a shame. I used to love this site. I’ve met a number of what are now real life friends here — in fact, I spent the afternoon with two and saw others last night at Fenway.
    Tee, I loved your account of the concert and your willingness to share. Wished I could have made it to the Cleveland show. We’re overdue for a road trip, Devil Woman.
    I just saw the tour finale last night. I’m so grateful to James and his organization for the fan presales. I had 2nd row seats. For a James Taylor – Bonnie Raitt concert at Fenway. Imagine that. I would never in a million years have snagged such seats thru TicketB*st*rd. It’s such a nice, nice, thing that his organization does, and I feel blessed.
    I do wish he’d played Montana. But you can’t have everything. And it was a damned fine show.
    See you on down the road.


    ADD is a rough disorder.Speaking out and THEN thinking about what was said,or seeing the damage it does. I definitely saw the ghosts come out yesterday. Some irritated,some angry,and then ones who blamed me for things I didn’t even do.

    Thankfully, I have a few facebook groups I started 4 years ago, 5000 plus members in one. I help people find vintage campers and trucks,and its fun,and rewarding. I apologize for any discomfort I’ve caused. Not once did I mean harm,and hopefully you all have very rich,and fulfilling lives,and none of this matters.


    “Hi y’all I’ve arrived safely home in South Bay, Los Angeles – Long, long drive from Washington, Oregon and Northern California. Gorgeous, huge country America!
    Thank you for reading my ramblings and supporting my efforts to share the wonders of James Taylor concert experiences.
    I did hear from JT management a sort of cease and desist to my writing about my experiences here on this JTO site – but I doubt the person read what I wrote here because if they had they would not, I’m sure have found fault and the need to censure me. The substance of the note led me to believe it was in a knee jerk reaction to a not so honest titbit shared to them by someone who had read these my recent adventures. We do have censors here on JTO, I guess. Such a shame! We are truly in a Trumpian world! In this note I was told that this year no JTOers were allowed passes. SO, I had no idea when I mentioned ONE instance of speaking with James and feeling compelled to come on here and pass on his message that I would be accused of airing all my multiple visits backstage with James this year! What ‘multiple’ visits backstage I ask you all, have I aired here on JTO? Apparently – I had a couple of pictures from Hong Kong and Singapore shows I posted to my family and friends on FB – that page is PRIVATE and not open to all JTOers just a few I thought I could trust, but I guess not.
    I don’t post very many personal encounters I have with our hero on this page because this is not what this site is about. (Well…maybe I did a little – way back when – in the long ago past 20plus years – before he became too busy, after he remarried and had children – back when he had time to sit and shoot the breeze with some of us after his shows on the loading docks or to take time with other musician fans and jam)- more recently this site is for sharing our concert experiences and to air our undying love for and gratitude and enjoyment of his amazing work. Its a place to get information and updates about concerts, so if we can, we plan vacations around show dates. To get updates and rumours about upcoming CD releases. Its a place for musicians to share their efforts at understanding James Taylor’s intricate guitarmanship – a place to talk about and marvel at his amazing songwriting, his singing voice and his amazing band and fellow troubadours. All in fun.
    But I guess others have other ideas about what this site is for and have successfully hijacked it.
    It’s a real shame – this used to be such a fun place to come where there were really nice people – all real JT Lovin’ Fans and not desperate JT NEEDY fans. This used to be a great sharing of info place now its rife with secret messaging and gossiping behind posts instead of airing it on the forum honestly and openly and dare I say private “in the know” clubs that many of us are not a part of.
    JTO use to be a great support base for James Taylor – its become something else I’m afraid. Too bad and so sad.
    By the way everyone and anyone has the right to tell one to cease and desist BUT one also has the right to say NO. We are all adults, lets behave like adults.


    CUTE! This James Taylor picture taken by Kim Taylor just hours ago says it all JTO. It was sent out by his online website. Peace


    Tee –

    You’re not the first person she has tried to censor and/or edit. I wish I had saved the request made of me from several years ago. I also find it funny that she has been guilty of doing the same thing that she wants you to edit from your review.

    Anyway…..just really wanted to say that I truly enjoy reading your posts!!! It would be a sad day if you stopped posting.

    Take Care!!

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