Last Chance Disappears

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  • This topic has 4 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 7 years ago by Erik.
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    Hi guys, I was 1st introduced to the fantastic music of JT back in the early 80’s and quickly amassed his album back catalogue on vinyl, back in 2004 I sold my whole record collection which amounted to approx. 8,000 pieces but of course I kept the JT stuff and still have it. Unfortunately I have never seen him live here in the uk for one reason or other, either didn’t have the money, was going through one of my turbulent moments in life or, as was usually the case, I was never lucky enough, (or quick enough), to get a ticket, until 2009 that is when I went online to get 2 , (1 each for me and my wife), for the Bournemouth gig only to find there was only 1 left! Well knowing what it meant to me my wife of course was fine with me going alone so ticket was ordered and the excitement began………then I ended up in hospital with my heart!, (I had a TIA, (mini stroke),in 2007 and it has caused me problems ever since), so 2 days before the gig I was hospitalised but there was no way I was missing that concert. The day I’d waited years for came and as soon as I awoke in the morning I got out of my hospital bed and started getting dressed, well long story short, (ok shorter haha), the staff eventually called the heart specialist who came and told me in no uncertain terms that if I went there was a very good chance I could end up dead, (he was probably exaggerating but I didn’t want to take the chance, sorry JT), so that was that and since then I’ve never been in a position to get another ticket until now. I was overjoyed when I heard the other day he had scheduled a few dates in the uk and couldn’t wait for tomorrow to come round so I could get a pre general sale ticket……….that was until 15 minutes ago when I saw the prices!, it’s been a long time since I attended a concert but £75.45 – £86.70!, wow, I guess only those with a good job will be getting them then 🙁 Never mind I still have my vinyl and anyone on here attending the gig I sincerely hope you have a great time, (well I’m sure you will). Enjoy. 🙂


    Hi Lee nice story. Such a shame that you won’t manage to the concert. Ticket prices across the board tend to be high these days. I am determined to get to this tour because it might be the last chance I’ll get to see him just one more time. I’ve been lucky enough to see him several times over the years with my late husband. Last UK tour I didn’t bother trying to get tickets as I don’t really know anyone else that is into James, then I felt really sorry that I didn’t try harder to make it happen. Hence why I’m going for it big time to see him in July – got my tickets booked, now I just need to find a willing volunteer to come along with me!


    You can also try again in the general sales! On they only have limited selections of tickets for the presales, and those are not necessarily the cheapest ones (they do obviously have the cheapest price for those specific seats they offer).

    I’m not sure which concert you plan to go to, but at least for the Manchester concert the Manchester Arena website says tickets will be £50.00 – £75.00, so there is a chance that there will be some cheaper tickets there.


    My eldest daughter and 2 grandsons have just bought me a ticket for Manchester as an early birthday present………..woo hoo 🙂

    PS – Block A as well


    That is great! I hope you enjoy the concert!

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