Dont be sad ’cause your sun is down

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  • #237819
    KEITH Jones

    Thanks to bat for the chord boxes to this. Is this how James plays it, has anyone seen him perform it?
    I was at university in 1969, unforgettable year, moon landing and my first introduction to JT. I did a demo recording with a friend for Decca records and the A and R man said have you heard this guy and realised that I should continue with my course to become an architect. I still have the vinyl of his first LP. I have been playing him ever since and have every piece of music except the above which I now proudly possess. I always go to his concerts when he is in the UK. My all time hero. KJ


    Check this out Keith


    Check this out Keith
    James and son Ben perform this song live

    Don’t Be Sad Cause Your Sun is Down


    Here is the sheet music with chord diagrams that I worked out.


    Oops! Here it is

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