A painting for James

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    I plan on handing this to James in Springfield, MO if I can get to the stage at intermission.


    https://flic.kr/p/J9RjFs It doesn’t seem to want to link.


    Lovely work. I’m sure he’ll appreciate it. Good luck getting to the stage.

    Only ten days until I see him with Jackson Browne at Wrigley Field. Can’t wait!


    Hi Barb, so refreshing to see a painting/image that is not of JT himself, but of subjects we connect instantly to him. I am sure you will have the opportunity to present it to ‘Our James’ and he will treasure it.
    My greatest JT treasure is my October Road baseball hat, which I wear all the time, the only item from large quantity of JT merchandise which fits! Had a crisis earlier this week, lost it, was distraught, never realised how much I treasured it. Sleepless night, retraced all my steps the following day, reported it missing to local police…(JT is now on record at our local police station!)
    The outcome: my lovely husband Steve, narrowed it down to location and as always he was right. My personalised JT hat is now safely back in my possession and a local charity is now few pounds richer!


    James's guitar ptg done

    Thank you,Liz. I took it a step further,and turned wainscoting into weathered wood for a frame (black,gray,white,red acrylics..easy!)Just need to trim it up, touch it up.


    Nice work Barb, let us know what the thought of it ! 🙂


    Thank you. I changed out the border,and added a rose on the stage. I will.


    Like the framing…..make a good album cover, just a thought!


    HA!! Thanks!! It’s so easy to do. Just paint the backside of wainscoting with white,black and red, and the painting is held in place by the grooves in the wood.Then add a back,and you have a frame.


    Music part of the concert was great, as always.Some of the songs were different from the other 2 shows this year,but too tired to go through a list.

    Security said,”No signs” I said,”Its a PAINTING”. A few minutes after getting to our seats, Debbie pointed out a kid carrying in a happy birthday sign bigger than my painting. Guess it was the kids’ birthday.
    I wanted to hand it to James, but instead, I stood there at the stage at intermission explaining why I couldn’t hand it to him. Oh well. He was so so funny. Called a woman who yelled ” I love you” a something hussy…haha!

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